14 Tips to Help Your Transformation

What are you doing for your Transformation? How much time do you spend thinking about something other than what you’re doing? Or have you ever woken up with a dream of something different from your current life? Here are the photos with the theme of “dreams…, realities…”, which we see a lot as caps on social media because they show us a section of our lives we are interested in and like. Although we live in wonderful frames when viewed from the outside, we can create a world with entirely different dreams inside our heads. And even though we don’t show it to anyone outside, thanks to our talented minds, this mental traffic can reflect on us as fatigue, depression and even physical discomfort.ftr

Perception and Phenomenon

nature for Your Transformation

The fact that you are living your life by imagining many different things indicates your transformation. So when you transform something in your life, you can switch to a peaceful, life-enjoying mode. Whatever you want to convert, you can only find it yourself. Sometimes it may be appropriate to change a fact and a perception. At this stage, I want to focus on one point: do not be tricked by your mind! Because the reason, by dragging you into a constant action, says, “It didn’t happen, it didn’t happen again, come on again, again!” he may try to change everything, like a trial-and-error method, and as a result, turn your mood into a dissatisfied air. This makes you an unhealthy individual who is not happy with anything.

Another way of your transformation may be in perception. Whatever you are unsatisfied with is an effect of the perspective you have created in your mind. For example, you perceive that you do not want to go to work and do not like this job. Ask yourself why you don’t like it; if the answer is “I don’t like my manager”, stop and think here. Your transformation works when the cause of your dissatisfaction is only with yourself. Otherwise, you’re taking a step in vain. Your manager is also a person who does or thinks he is doing his job. So when you change jobs, is there any guarantee that the manager at your new job will be better? No. In this example, the fact that your reason for the change is only on issues that concern you, such as “I don’t like this job because it doesn’t suit my character, because I can’t use my talent”, shows you the positive results your transformation in both the short and long term.

A New “YOU”

new you for Your Transformation

After these transformation definitions, “So how do I start? Is there a way to go?” if you say, We’ve compiled the methods We’ve implemented in my transformation path for you. We tried them all personally and got positive results; now it’s your turn!

Forget the Concept of Time Altogether

Dali time

Impatient and result-oriented routes will stress you out even more. Forget the concept of time altogether. A mindset like “I’ve transformed, oh it’s happened now” is far from natural; it is a habit born entirely from the consumption horror of today’s humanity. There is no time for individual transformation, only the pleasant process experience, that’s all!

Take Care of Yourself for Your Transformation

Relax for Your Transformation

Take care of your health. Review your eating and drinking habits. Examine the sensations of alcohol, oil, and overeating in your body. Get full sleep, but realize you want to sleep more when you eat heavily. Due to sunlight, try to live a life in harmony with the body’s metabolism. So you have the inner energy to take the proper steps at the right time. An unbalanced diet and sleep will make you lazy, and you may find yourself sitting in the same place watching TV all the time. Discovering the transformation point in your life is no ordinary task; Your mind should be clear, and your body should be full of life energy. Do sports regularly, especially try incorporating yoga, breathing and meditation practices into your life.

Beware of 5 People for Your Transformation

happy for Your Transformation

“A person is the average of the five people he spends the most time with.” This quote by Jim Rohn sums it all up very clearly. These people with whom you communicate the most during the day can inevitably shape your life because you are moulded and shaped in line with their knowledge, intellectual background, skills and interests. You can support your transformation path by evaluating face-to-face and social media communications accordingly.

Educate Yourself for Your Transformation

education for Your Transformation

If you want to transform your life model, get specialist training, read books and improve yourself. This way, you can meet people with shared interests and learn about their journeys. With the information you have gained, you can discover whether the subject you want to transform your life is a temporary enthusiasm or a heartfelt intention.

Make Time for Your Hobbies for Your Transformation

hobby for Your Transformation

Do not remove activities that please you from your life with excuses such as “I don’t have time”. On the contrary, you can even turn your hobby into your job by making them a part of your life and developing on that path. Enjoyable activities are our areas where you can meet new people on yo regularly improve yourself. Listening to different experiences in life opens your horizons and sheds light on the points where you need to question yourself.

Avoid Negative for Your Transformation


Stay away from people and situations that make you think negatively. Even if this person is your closest friend, instead of supporting you, criticizing and demoralising you, it may be an excellent way to stay away from these people for a while. What you need to do here is to determine the difference between the people who try to protect and guide you and the people who drag you negatively.

Have an Intent for Your Transformation

intent for Your Transformation

Everything starts with an intention. The intention is a seed you plant deep in your heart. It is not a decision made; a very strong feeling that will feed it. It does not contain any harmful elements. You must engrave your intention so deep in your heart and mind that when you wake up each day, you should be energized by the fulfilment of your choice. You can always use a sign to keep your preferences in mind. For example, you can tie a thin string to your wrist or wear the jewellery you bought with this intention.

Write Your Goals for Your Transformation

long term for Your Transformation

Write down the goals you want to reach freely, and be precise without worrying about the possibility. From what you’ve written, you’ll find that some need to be done long-term, while others need to be done in the short term to achieve these long-term goals.

Take Action for Your Transformation

work hard for Your Transformation

If you do not take a step towards your goals, they will always remain a dream written on paper. Ensure that the “intention, word, and action” trio is on the same path. For example, if you are unsatisfied with your current job, you should update your resume, identify your shortcomings, take new training and apply for a job. If you want to develop a new product, research, go to fairs and negotiate to find a manufacturer. The only way to achieve your dream goals is to take action.

Simplify Everything for Your Transformation

simplify for Your Transformation

Even if you don’t know how you want to transform your life, the most important start is simplifying. I’m talking about mental and physical simplicity: excess items, thoughts you’re constantly circling; anything you don’t need right now invades your energy field and leaves you no room to move.

Don’t Get Stuck in the Past

Loneliness for Your Transformation

It is impossible to move forward on the path of your transformation without judging and criticizing anyone, without closing the issues you have experienced in the past and which still occupy you. It could be a longing or grudge against an ex, an embarrassing event you experienced, or a deep sadness over the loss. You have already experienced such intense feelings by this time and must admit to yourself that it is time to let go. You can try to eliminate the energy of these deep feelings with the method I will talk about shortly.

Decide Your Corner for Your Transformation

Self development for Your Transformation

Create a calm and quiet space in your home. Make this area live and spend time in this area with scents, colours, plants and objects that are good for you. I’m not saying to sit down and think about the past and the future! Take care to stay with your current feelings in this area and enjoy it. Give yourself time to feel sadness, hatred, longing, whatever it is. Practices of staying in the moment, especially by experiencing negative emotions without judgment, enable you to have a healthier transformation. In this whole process, the thoughts in your head will increase, always thinking about the negative, “I wonder if I’m doing wrong?” There will be moments when you worry. But if you get caught up in them, you will stray from your transformation path; notice when such thoughts come. Yes, the idea that made me worry again came to my mind”, “I remember the hatred/longing for my ex again,” and I noticed that thought. And stay true to the path of the transformation you have walked. It will disappear if you don’t oppose that negative thought, don’t watch it, and don’t believe it. And thanks to this method, you can control your mind.

Talk Less for Your Transformation

talk less

Being in constant communication with other people, talking about your dreams and what you are doing, also allows you to enter the energy flow with the person in front of you. However, to discover the point in your life that you want to transform and take steps, you must own your energy and keep it to yourself. There is a mysterious creative power hidden in silence; that is, in silence, as you experience it, you can realize it and reach both physical and mental calmness. You can first participate in short-term silence retreats or meditation work to develop this practice. Also, I don’t think I need to tell you to avoid tools that put you in a vicious circle and completely block your transformation paths, such as TV, social media, phone and texting. There are many books to read on this path of transformation. Are you ready to make yourself a room with book walls?

Spend Time in Nature for Your Transformation

Time in Nature

You may be tired of behaving the way you want the people around you to see you every moment. When you say manager, coworker, family, or lover, you may have created other “you” s to please each of them. Nature is the only place to bring these “you” together and accept them without question. With nature’s embrace of you in every way, you recognize and get the true ‘you’ within. By watching sunrises and sunsets, you can witness the magnificent cycles of nature; you can realize that everything in the universe is alive, just like you. With this practice of looking through this big window, you can leave your self-centred thinking system and peacefully look at the practice of existing as a human being in this universe as a part of nature.


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