Time Management Prioritization Tips to Help You Plan Your Days

time passes Prioritization

Prioritization is the most necessary and important element to Manage Your Time. As time passes like this, one of the issues we suffer from is unfinished plans, unachievable goals, or unprioritized tasks. Brainusermanual owners know that once you get the prioritization done, managing your time is a simple thing.

We all make promises to ourselves to do something. There may be different periods in which we find the desire to do this planning. New Year’s Eve, before summer, when summer ends, every Monday, when the holiday comes, when we deliver the project, when things get lighter, when the children get a little older, when the children go to university… Our self-discipline and self-esteem will also fail unless these plans turn into reality. It is damaged, making it more difficult to keep the promises made. Unfulfilled promises are replaced by renewed commitments and postponed plans.

vicious circle

All it takes to get out of this vicious circle is to realize your true life. We have some key resources that can make these plans happen. For example, time, money, energy, desire… Unfortunately, these valuable resources are limited. Sometimes we waste and scatter without even realizing how limited these resources are. First, we need to review where we spend our resources in reality.

full-time worker Prioritization

One of our main resources is time. If you are a full-time worker, the reality is that you only have 4-5 hours between when you get home from work and sleep. Therefore, the weekly time that a working individual can spare for himself is between 40-45 hours on average, and unfortunately, the time required to meet our basic needs other than sleep is also included—showers, meals, grocery shopping, cleaning if you’re doing it yourself, etc. Therefore, when we remove the “compulsory services,” we can say that the remaining time is about 30-35 hours.

Of course, since everyone’s life may have different dynamics, you need to calculate your own “free time” before taking the next step. When calculating the areas where you must spend time, I recommend you examine it in depth by questioning whether it is necessary. If there are situations such as family, spouse, or children in your reality, please include this in the evaluation. Then, you can practice the following exercise to realize your time reality.

weekly planner Prioritization

In an Excel file, list all the activities you plan to do next week. Employees can list both work and personal life activities during the day.

Determine each activity’s estimated hours and record that time in the side column. Doing this planning will also help you determine the free time you can spare for yourself. Then, for hobbies, etc., you can set activities. The total time should be, at most, 7 x 24 hours. If there are situations, you can examine why and determine which activities you want to prioritize and what you want to give up. Be sure to keep the work-personal life balance her.

work-personal life balance.

Spend 5 minutes at the end of each day for this planned timetable and record the time you set aside in the same Excel file in the side column. If an unplanned business or activity is coming your way during the week, remember to add it to your list.

At the end of the week, examine the difference between the plan and the actual. What does this difference tell you? For example, why couldn’t you do which activities at the time you set? What happened to your priorities? What can you do to spend time on the activities you prioritized?

sleeping Prioritization

Another resource even more important than time is our energy (cure). For compelling reasons, we spend most of our energy on issues such as work and home during the day. Sometimes we need a cure for activities that can fill our energy stores. For this reason, we only complete the work that needs to be done, and then we confine ourselves to a vicious circle with drugs that numb us (watching serials repeatedly, killing time on social media, etc.) instead of activities that will give us energy. However, prioritization activities that release our happiness hormones, even if it is difficult initially, will help us fill our energy stores and break this cycle. For example, although doing sports, socializing, and being helpful to someone physically exhausts us, it helps us to do the next compulsory activity, realizing our plans due to the hormones we secrete.

important to you Prioritization

We talked about prioritization both when planning a time and determining energy sources. Prioritization is one of the basic building blocks for your plans to be realistic. What is important to you in life? Spending time with family, doing sports, studying, doing art, traveling, making a career, socializing, getting a new hobby, learning something new… If you’re one of those people who want to do everything as you write, stop there. If we take out your basic needs, you have about 30-35 hours a week. So, what do you want to spend this time on? Which can you find energy doing?

After determining the priority, it is very important to remove the less important ones from your list and to keep your priorities as you planned. No matter what, it is very important both for filling your energy resources and for your self-esteem. Although this part contains a discipline, it should also allow flexibility. For example, my main priorities are doing sports, learning new things, and socializing. Sports is a priority that replenishes my energy sources.
For this reason, I make room for him in my 30 hours, but since I am exploring a new city right now, I have reduced the part of learning new things or spending time with my friends a bit. Allow for such conscious priority shifts. After determining your resources and prioritization, you can start making long-term (weekly, monthly, yearly) plans. Additional recommendations for long-term planning

main task Prioritization

Remember to set your success criteria close to zero while planning. I will use the most common example here. If you want to exercise, it is better to do only 5 minutes every day than not to do any exercise. Eventually, you may find yourself exercising regularly.

Observe how you feel as soon as you achieve the small goals you set, and be sure to appreciate yourself for achieving your goal. This appreciation will have a reinforcing effect on your mind and will help you make the next goal easier.

energy stocks Prioritization

Remember to review your energy stocks in your weekly planning. So, if a tough week at work is waiting for you, you can turn to activities that will give you energy rather than intensive planning.

You can benefit from your social environment to realize your plans. For example, you can ask for help from your loved ones to spare time for yourself, or you can include a friend you enjoy being with or someone you feel responsible for in activities that you think will give you energy but have difficulty starting.


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