Start Everything You Want In Life By Talking To Your Brain

brain trees

Talking to your brain?? How so?? It sounds a little crazy, yes. So how could this be? Well, am I not already the “me” I call the brain? Yes, Brain is just “you.” Talking to your brain is similar to talking to yourself, with the only difference being that it is purposeful and with reasoned questions as opposed to mundane conversations. When done, it is a proven and highly effective method. Brain User Manual is in front of you and tells you to talk to your brain. If you try to follow this fantastic Manual, you will begin to use your brain without fail. So please consider what we have said!

In our daily life, we constantly have bilateral dialogues. These dialogues are necessary to continue our lives and achieve what we want. Even to get out of the house, go to the market and buy a bottle of milk from the shelf, you have to perform more than one dialogue. These dialogues take place between two people in the form of brain-to-brain. Thanks to these mutually brain-to-brain connections, you start getting what you want and moving forward. Yes, this is how the system works. You can quickly move forward with obvious and straightforward steps while conversing with two people. First, you transfer your wishes to the person in front of you, that is, to his/her brain. He also understands you and answers you. After that, you move forward together in steps that turn into action.


But is talking to your brain any more complex than a dialogue between two people? Why can you tell the cashier at the grocery store what you want but not tell yourself, your brain, what you want? When you start talking with your brain, your wishes-desires move towards the result, just like in the dialogues you have with other people’s brains in daily life. In this article, you will learn a simple, perhaps the most effective, method. You are talking to your brain! Don’t get this wrong. This is never a schizophrenic condition. Talking to your brain is a metaphor. It’s just a method way to reach your Subconscious. You can do this without any hesitation. Yes, you must do this if you want real success.

Talking to the brain is a process that a person is already subconsciously doing on his own! But unfortunately, we don’t realize it, and conversations with your brain aren’t very productive when done uncontrollably. For this reason, it will be hundreds of times more beneficial if you do this in the form of an open dialogue.


research and development

In situations that require differences, such as success or creativity, the brain creates a thought reflex within itself and begins to question itself. Thus, the brain’s creative base (R&D) research and development center takes action and initiates the talk to your brain project. The beginning of this process takes place with the feeling of awareness consciousness.

When the brain tries to match what it perceives as a result of questioning with its wishes, dreams, and goals, surfing begins among emotional storms. All the sensory and identification centers in the brain almost start a race with each other to display all their innovative features.


thinking man

To start talking to your brain, you must focus and initiate a targeted dialogue. It should contain many logical questions. More logical questions mean more logical answers and more creative projects. The Creative Base of the Brain (R&D) talk to your brain project is not complicated as you can see; all you have to do is start the dialogue by asking questions and presenting your logical wishes to your brain. Thus, you will feel your brain’s consciousness both asking and answering questions.

To talk to your brain, first, stay alone in a room where you can be alone. Sit the way you want, as long as you want. Then, feeling like you’re in a psychotherapy session, put your brain in front of you, stand still for a minute, gather your thoughts to talk to your brain, focus on your brain, take a deep breath, and get started. Yes, you go first. Now you will read a virtual work within the project’s scope of talking with your brain. So you will openly talk to your brain.


YOU: “Hello, My Brain!.”
YOUR BRAIN: “No, you wouldn’t have called me.”
YOU: “I need you.”
YOUR BRAIN: “You just realized?”
YOU: “Yes.”
YOUR BRAIN: “Don’t you think it’s a little late?”
YOU: “Yes, but I have no other choice.”
YOUR BRAIN: “I’m listening to you. What’s the matter?”
YOU: “Can you help me?”
YOUR BRAIN: “Of course, I will.”
YOU: “I’m so happy about it.”
YOUR BRAIN: “So what do you want from me?”
YOU: “I don’t know what I want!”
YOUR BRAIN: “I need to know what you want. Only then can I help you.”
YOU: “I have problems making decisions.”
YOUR BRAIN: “No one can help you make decisions. Don’t forget that.”
YOU: “Why?”
YOUR BRAIN: “Because you know you best.”
YOU: “Well, it’s me. You can help me.”
YOUR BRAIN: “So you know that.”
YOU: “Yes.”
YOUR BRAIN: “Well then, listen to me carefully.”
YOU: “I’m listening.”
YOUR BRAIN: “I can help you but on three conditions.”
YOU: “What is it?”
YOUR BRAIN: “First, we must act in consensus because we will make joint decisions. Second, trust me.
Third, you must follow our decisions.” “Okay, just as you say.
I’ll do it.” “Okay, now let’s do an exercise. Lean back in your seat, look ahead, and ask yourself these three questions:
YOUR BRAIN: “What do I want? Why do I want it? What should I do?”
YOU: “I asked”
YOUR BRAIN: “How did you feel?”
YOU: “Something inside me whispered that I needed to answer questions.
YOUR BRAIN: “Magnificent, we did it.”
YOU: “What have we accomplished?”
YOUR BRAIN: “We’ve managed to make you feel the consciousness of decision making.”
YOU: “And the answers to the questions?”
YOUR BRAIN: “The answers to your questions will come naturally. The important thing was that you made the decision.”
YOU: “Is that all?”
YOUR BRAIN: “Yeah, that’s it!”
YOU: “It was a pleasure talking to you. I feel better now.”
YOUR BRAIN: “Goodbye.”
YOU: “Are you going?”
YOU: “Don’t forget me!”
YOUR BRAIN: “That’s not possible.”
YOU: “Why?”
YOUR BRAIN: “Because I am by your side.”
YOU: “Excuse me, yeah yeah…”
YOUR BRAIN: “You can talk to me whenever you want.”
YOU: “Always?”
YOUR BRAIN: “Yes, but you must be determined!”.
YOU: “From now on, I will be determined.”

The Brain’s Creative Base (R&D) Activates When You Speak

bilateral studies

You will enable the brain to use its creative power by questioning that activates the brain (R&D) center. Thus, the brain will question itself, think more, and produce more creative projects. The success of the brain’s innovative base (R&D) talk to your brain project in our training gave us hope. It made us think that the positive results of applied studies would be among the severe ones because they were successful.

In our bilateral studies in our pieces of training, we have determined that the first decision of the participants and the decisions after the brain’s creative base (R&D) talk to your brain are completely different from each other, and the second decisions are much more logical and reflect the truth. Here, we noticed that the brain, freed from psychological trauma, could recognize the correct response consciousness and make the right decisions by questioning itself. This was a wonderful thing. The decision after the talk to your brain exercise was the real power of the brain. All that was done was to raise awareness of brain power consciousness. Your brain is much more powerful than you know. Even realizing that makes a huge difference. Always be in dialogue with your brain and share your great conversations and outstanding achievements with us.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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