Solve All the Problems in Your Life by Unleashing the Power in Your Brain in 5 Steps

Solve All the Problems in Your Life by Unleashing the Power in Your Brain in 5 Steps

brain key solve

Yes, it is an ambitious title. But if you were aware of the great power in your Brain, you might even think that this title is incomplete. Our Brain is genuinely unique. We assure you right from the start that IQ tests, Berkeley tests, or no test can measure your Brain with certainty and give you not the slightest clue that you are competent or stupid! These tests will automatically rise as you learn a few essential spatial awareness, simple math, and geometry problem-solving techniques. So, no matter how low or high you score on IQ tests, you are already potentially significant. Although psychologists say that they have been measuring brain power for many years, this only serves to break people’s self-confidence.

brain love

The biggest secret about your Brain starts with realizing that its fuel is love, not glucose! Yes, the real secret lies here. When your brain, that is, starts dealing with something that you are not interested in or enjoy, your chances of success are almost non-existent. Why does your brain, which thinks that it cannot overcome a complex mathematical problem and gives up immediately without putting its creativity into action, can push the limits of imagination so much during sexual intercourse and continue to the end without giving up until it reaches the peak of pleasure, by using all its body organs with its full potential in the same way? Can you continue to work? Think about it and try to guess the secret! Yes, as you guessed, you are saying that this is perfectly normal. After all, one is solving Mathematical problems, a tedious activity, and the other is sexual intercourse, which is perhaps the most enjoyable activity in this world. Yes, this is why we gave this simple and somewhat extreme example so that you can tell the real difference!

low speed

Our Brain wants to keep doing what it enjoys. And it does its best, using its full potential as long as it continues. In other words, if you have the Latest Model Ferrari Car and your speed is around 10 km per hour, you are not pressing the gas or, as we said, you cannot step on the gas because you do not enjoy it. So you realize that your brain isn’t working at its full potential for an activity that you don’t want and finds boring.

And now we hear you ask the question: Well, my Brain already finds most things boring (almost everything except sex 🙂 ), and yes, it doesn’t want to do it because it sees it boring. For example, how do I manage to fully utilize my Brain’s potential in this highly boring subject: Company success or endless Accounting, Mathematics, Language, or other learning-related subjects? The answer is straightforward! You can do it using “brainusermanual”! This is why we are preparing the Brain User’s Guide site for you.

As you read the articles on our site, you will be reading your Brain’s user manual. If you follow the user manual and try to apply what we say to the letter, you will start to use your Brain ideally at the end of this process. And as you find yourself succeeding at things you find boring or even hate, you will be amazed at how you fall in love with the things you hate! We, the Brain’s user manual team, assure you this. It won’t happen instantly, but as you reflect on the secrets we’ve shared with you and put a little effort into practice, your growing network of neurons will dance and pray for us every night before you go to bed!

Now let’s continue to talk about the basic principles of your Brain’s manual. Now that you know that the most fundamental driving force of the Brain is love, how will you be able to use your brain to its full potential in a subject that you hate and failed in every attempt throughout your life? Yes, It is straightforward, but it is elementary if you know how to do it. In 5 simple steps, you will start to use your Brain much more excellent way than before! This job is as easy as creating your washing machine. Like you should do so that the laundry does not shrink or fade. It would be best if you washed it in the proper washing mode. All you have to do is press the right keys. The most fantastic button you need to activate in your Brain is the love button. First, you need to learn to press this button. So we said that you have to love the activity you are doing. Here comes the first rule of thumb, which is simple but very effective.

1- Get the good parts of the activity in your eyes, take a pen and paper and write in bold letters only the aspects you like that are good for you!

dog sad

As with everything, there are good and bad sides to the work you have to do. This applies to your friends and your dog. Your dog jumps on you, licks your face with great love, and when he realizes that you want to take him out, he starts running inside your house with extreme joy. This is the beautiful side of your dog. On the other hand, the fact that your brand new sofa pees up to the inside of the upholstery and shatters your favorite shoes may be the parts you don’t like. If you want to have a good time with your dog and love him more, you should only look at what is good for you. If you want your dog to be more patient and have a happy life with him while collecting his poops with the bag in your hand, consider the good sides of his dog! Adapt this example to your end-of-year assignment! Your homework is like your dog. Do you see only the opposing and challenging sides of it and want to eliminate them? No, don’t get rid of it! Try to love him, and you will be delighted in the end. For example, imagine how this assignment will ultimately improve you and the appreciation and appreciation you will receive when you present, and write it in bold. Since we do not know the details of the issue you are dealing with, we cannot give more detailed advice. For example, if your Homework topic is about biology and the diversity of living things, imagine that you will have enough knowledge to talk to your future girlfriend or boyfriend for hours on a zoo trip, entertain him throughout the journey, and write it in bold. Strain your imagination as you try to find the reasons for love. It will be worth it! Because these reasons you find will cause you to love your homework and, as a result, high success-happiness.

2-Take Care That The Work You Will Do Follows Your Strength Nature-Creation Characteristics

strength power

Have you heard of Gallup tests before? He asks you questions one after the other and suggests a profession that suits your character traits. This and many other tests are available. These tests are by no means in vain. Because it guides you by enabling you to use your existing strengths. And as we said at the beginning of our article, it leads you to love this job more efficiently. If you haven’t discovered your strengths yet, these tests are crucial for you. Because we want to use our strengths, and the more you use your strength in the activity you are doing, the more comfortable you will be.

3-Plan Your Activity and Divide It into Thirty-Minute Periods

time period

Huge Can you swallow a whole chicken in one go? Look at the question. Of course, you can’t eat it. You have to chew it well and cut it into pieces to enjoy it. Thus, you can enjoy your chicken without fuss, enjoy it, and eat it without any rush. The right thing to do is to act this way. Divide more challenging tasks that you don’t particularly want to do, so they’ll look sweeter and easier on your eyes. The more complicated the job you must tackle, the more pieces you have to break it down into. When you are done with the division into parts, you should have decided more or less what part you will start and when, how much time you will devote to each and when you will finish the work. We know that it is not easy to make these decisions, but try to apply what we say and continue to adopt this as a principle. In time you will know precisely when you will finish. Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? A simple kitchen timer helps you divide your work into 25 or 30-minute chunks. You can set the timer and your breaks with a simple and cute kitchen timer. When you start to take care of parts, you should start with the part that you find most important and challenging. For example, do you have a 985-page book to take the exam? The part that will have the most questions in the exam is probably the part that your teacher focuses on the most during the semester. Start your studies from those parts.

4-Create a Mind Map During Your Studies

mind map

Mind maps fully comply with the working principles of the Brain. Therefore, the information you learn and what you need to do will be recorded in your memory much better. Because while applying these maps, you unconsciously use memory techniques. It makes your tedious, tedious work fun. From the planning stage to the implementation stage, you can construct your work with mind maps from start to finish. Mind Maps are brainstorms, as they are called. While working, you identify keywords and create your map by taking note of these reminder keywords. You construct them not in the form of prose but in a way that is dispersed from the center without breaking the logical integrity. For example, if you are making a map of a book, this map may look like the book’s contents. When creating your map, an A4 size paper and colored pencils are sufficient. It is also possible to create maps with an application on your computer or mobile phone, but we recommend that you use paper and pencil and your hand in the first place. Your map should have branches and colors, as you can see in the picture. Then, you add your thoughts to your map with keywords and enter into a versatile brainstorming state. When your map is finished, it is a small summary of the book or the activity you have planned and a snapshot of your thoughts. The topics about making mind maps and how you can use them in which jobs are pretty broad. We will teach mind maps in practice and detail in our upcoming articles. In this article, we only recommend mind maps, which are the Swiss army knife of the Brain, to ignite your Brain.

5-Prepare Yourself a Reward At The End Of Your Activity

ice cream

The reward varies from person to person. While the reward for us is a large apple scone and coffee with milk, the reward for you may be a short nature walk. The important thing is that it is something pleasant that makes you feel good and causes you to release dopamine. Doing this every time has a much more significant impact on your brain than you can imagine. We want to return to the positive things just as we avoid the negative stuff. Your Brain will want to experience what it enjoys repeatedly, and it will take the risk of going through many mazes for it. This reward will make it easier for you to return to a similar activity next time. And every tip you put in will make it progressively easier. If you want your true mental potential to be revealed, make sure that there is a small reward at the end of every activity. You can’t imagine how your Brain makes connections; it’s vital to set a prize at the end of workouts. Please remember this and do it every time.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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