7 Habits Scientifically Proven to Boost Brain Development

brain development

Brain Development happens automatically when you learn a few very simple habits.For many years, it was believed that people were born with a certain intelligence and would live within the limits of this intelligence level. But according to scientific research, people can increase their potency. We now know that by learning new skills, we can develop new neuronal pathways in the brain, thereby increasing our intelligence level. Here are seven habits that are scientifically proven to boost brain development. As Brainusermanual owners, we recommend you continue these habits throughout your life for a healthy and happy life.

1-Reading Something

Reading Something

By reading Something, you mean reading anything. Whether you read a book, magazine, or newspaper, it can reduce stress and make you feel better. Doing these can strengthen your crystalline, emotional, and fluid intelligence. The development of all these can improve your problem-solving skills.

2-Learning a New Language

New Language

Stop solving puzzles to improve your intelligence and start learning a new language instead. According to studies, bilingual people are more successful at solving puzzles than people who speak one language. Engaging in a new language learning process can help your brain perform better. In addition, being bilingual can make you more organized and careful in your dealings with your surroundings.

3-Improving Cumulative Learning

Cumulative Learning Brain Development

Cumulative learning can also be related to the previous item, namely, learning a new language. Learning a new language improves the brain because it requires cumulative learning. Integrating cumulative learning in every area of ​​your life can enable you to think more analytically and thus develop your brain. Certain games and activities can improve your brain’s cognitive capacity.

4-Playing an Instrument for Brain Development

Playing an Instrument Brain Development

Making music; can increase creativity and analytical thinking, as well as provide other advantages. Playing musical instruments; strengthens the corpus callosum region of the brain and thus can provide brain development. An advanced corpus callosum; can strengthen managerial skills, memory, problem-solving skills, and even all brain activity, no matter your age.

5-Exercising Regularly for Brain Development

Exercising Regularly Brain Development

Regular exercises can be more effective than occasional exercises. When exercised continuously, cells are supported by proteins that support memory, focus and ease of understanding. This condition is often referred to as clarity of the senses. In addition, many scientists argue that sitting all the time slows the brain down.

6-Different Activities for Brain Development

Different Activities Brain Development

Sudoku, computer games, card games, and similar activities can increase neuroplasticity in the brain. This can cause some broad changes in neural pathways. When nerve cells respond as an adaptation to renewed pathways, neuroplasticity increases and as a result, habits such as looking at events from a different perspective and learning the cause and consequences of an event can develop. This way, people can keep up with a new model and improve their cognitive capacity. While people with high neuroplasticity can learn and memorize Something quickly, these people also have very little depression and anxiety. An effect on brain waves can be created by meditating.

7-Meditation for Brain Development


In 1992, the Dalai Lama invited scientist Richard Davidson to monitor his brain waves during meditation. Believing that he can manipulate certain brain waves during meditation, the Dalai Lama asks Davidson to observe this. As a result, when the Dalai Lama and other monks meditate and focus on compassion, it is observed that their brain waves also act with very deep compassion. In general, the brain; is an entity that can develop when people want to realize it. Different activities can be good for different parts of your brain. As a result, people can become more competent in areas they think are strong or improve themselves in areas where they are weak.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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