5 Tips to Increase Your Psychological Resilience

Psychological Resilience

The Brainusermanual team shows you ways to increase your psychological resilience. In life, things don’t always go the way we want. A sudden change or uncertainty can upset all our plans. Before reading the article, it may be helpful to remember a situation that is more personal and difficult to overcome. While many people have a hard time dealing with these unexpected, uncertain, and stressful moments, some can manage such situations with surprisingly calm. So, what is the underlying skill of this calmness?

What is Psychological Resilience?

Psychological Resilience

Psychological Resilience is the ability to perform consistently in changing environments, even under stress or pressure. Sometimes this can be confused with different concepts. Psychological Resilience is not about being ambitious, taking on more responsibility, or suppressing emotions. While psychological resilience makes it easier for you to manage difficult situations in your social and business life, it also gives you the power to reduce or improve the damage these situations can cause. Therefore, in addition to acquiring this skill, consciously working on it will make your life easier.
To increase or maintain your psychological resilience, it is necessary first to realize why the situation is essential to you and then to harmonize your thoughts, behaviours and emotions with the problem to cope with the difficulties you encounter.

So How Psychological Resilience Are You?

Psychological Resilience

To understand this, you can first look at the stress level in your life and your ability to cope with it. If you are not psychologically resilient enough, your anxiety will increase, and your self-confidence will decrease when stress or uncertainty increases; You may feel helpless and not accept criticism.

Suppose you think you can identify the issues under your control in stressful or uncertain situations and can overcome them by developing them over time. If you can stop worrying about what is beyond your control and cope with difficulties, we can say that your Psychological resilience is in good condition.

brain building

People with high psychological resilience can see that the difficulties they encounter are temporary and can approach things from the positive side. It perceives that anger, anxiety, and powerlessness will not last forever, feeds on its strengths, determines what needs to be done to cope with the event or situation, and focuses on the solution. Since they are not afraid of making mistakes or being rejected, they do not hesitate to ask for help and questions about things they do not know. They are always open to learning and development. They learn from their own or others’ bad experiences and apply them in the following situation.

To develop your Psychological resilience, you must first be compassionate with yourself. It will make your job easier to think that you are supporting a friend or family member you love very much instead of yourself.

How Do You Increase Your Psychological Resilience?

1-Set a Meaningful Purpose

purpose Psychological Resilience

People with a meaningful life purpose for themselves are much better able to manage the stress or painful situations they encounter on the way to achieving them. Thanks to the satisfaction of this purpose, their focus on the big picture and their determination, they fight the problems or setbacks they encounter on the road more effectively and keep their psychological resilience high. In addition to your small goals, setting a plan that can become a passion for you and that coincides with your values increases your psychological resilience. The opposite is also possible; As your psychological resilience increases, the things that are meaningful to you in your life become more visible, making it easier to determine your life purpose.

2-Manage Your Energy Well


To best manage distressing situations, you must take care of your physical and mental health—regular sleep, sports, good nutrition, meditation, self-care etc. Determining what and when you will spend your energy during the day is also essential. For example, place thinking about tricky tasks in your daily schedule when you feel the best. In the face of an unexpected challenge, review and prioritize all the work you need to manage, and consciously put or leave non-priority issues on hold. While determining this priority list, avoid giving up activities such as meditation and sports that will benefit your physical and mental health. Remember, they are resources that replenish your energy stores and increase your psychological resilience.

3-Get Over Your Fear of Rejection


Fear of making mistakes or being rejected causes us to miss the chance to learn and overcome difficulties together. We are so afraid of the “no” answer that we can neither ask questions nor seek help. On the way to increase your Psychological Resilience, leave these fears behind, ask questions that come to your mind despite your inner voice, and seek help. Even if you get no answer, you will learn over time that it is not as scary an experience as in your mind. With the social support you find, you will feel more robust as it will be easier to overcome difficulties.

4-Be Optimistic

happy Psychological Resilience

Although we tend to focus on the negative in difficult situations, we strive to see the positive aspects; This will increase our psychological resilience. To feed your optimism, you can think of short-term gains and remember situations you have overcome. Thinking about and jotting down your past good experiences will help you remember that you can overcome this situation too.

5-Get out of Your Comfort Zone

comfort Psychological Resilience

We all seek comfort in our lives; we want to stay away from the unknown or situations in which we do not feel comfortable. However, experiencing unfamiliar problems and doing activities that will leave your safe space allows you to easily manage uncertain or challenging processes that you may encounter in the future.

Now think about it, what could be that thing that you said “I’d better do” outside of your comfort zone? A new task at work, a project or an activity you want to do in your social life but stop for various reasons… One of the most enjoyable ways to get out of your comfort zone is to learn something new. For example, you may feel unsuccessful and inadequate when trying to learn a new skill, such as playing the ukulele. If you continue with these feelings or repeat them despite failures, your brain creates new neural pathways after a while. As these paths are formed, you begin to play the ukulele better and feel more competent. During the process, you will learn to play the ukulele and increase your psychological resilience by overcoming the complex process.

For a life where you can enjoy the moment, overcome unexpected difficulties, and evaluate opportunities for improvement, emphasize increasing your Psychological Resilience.


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