3 Steps to Create Positive Changes in Your Life

difficult decision

For Positive Changes, you need to make some decisions and implement them. We make decisions at every moment of our lives. While these decisions are sometimes as simple as what to eat, as moving to another country can be big enough to positive changes our lives. So it would not be wrong to say that making the right decision is essential in our lives. According to life coach Tony Robbins, if you make these decisions unconsciously, you will become physically out of shape, emotionally exhausted, and constantly stressed about finances, as most people do. But if you make these decisions consciously, you will positive changes the course of your life from today. We offer you three steps Robbins suggests to create positive changes in your lifeā€¦

1-What Will You Focus On for Positive Changes?


Many things around you can distract you. You can focus on what is happening now or what you will create in the future. Or you choose to focus on your past. Where your attention goes, your energy goes in that direction. What you focus on and how you do it shape your whole life. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have and envying those who are financially better off than you, you need to see that you have things you need to appreciate and cannot buy with money.

brain Positive Changes

You can be grateful for your health, family, friends, opportunities, and sanity. Developing a habit of being happy with what you have creates a whole new level of emotional health and wealth. But the real question is are you making an effort to enjoy your mind, body, heart and soul truly. This is where you can find joy, happiness and fulfilment. While you can influence many areas of your life, most of the time, you cannot control them. If you focus on things you can’t control, there will be more stress in your life. If you choose this opposing viewpoint, you must make the next decision.

2-What Do You Think All These Means?

walking Positive Changes

Ultimately, it’s not about how you feel about your life, what you’ve experienced or not, and what kind of financial situation you have. Your quality of life is determined by the meaning you attach to them. Most of the time, you don’t realize the influence of your unconscious mind in giving sense to the events in your life. When you experience a life-threatening event (such as a car accident, health problem, or losing your job), do you think of it as an end or a beginning? Do you care? Your life is made up of the meanings you attach to it.

mean Positive Changes

Every meaning brings a unique feeling, and your quality of life is closely related to where you are emotionally. We’ve all seen people who take antidepressants and are still depressed. If we focus on what is missing or out of our control, matter how much medicine we take, we cannot eliminate hopelessness and unhappiness. If we attach the meaning of “life is not worth living”, we create an emotional state that no antidepressant can overcome.

chess Positive Changes

There is no limit to what can happen if we positive changes the points we focus on and the meanings we attach. So take control and remember Meaning is emotion, and emotion is life. Make conscious and wise choices. Look for a strong sense in all events; In this way, you can reach richness in its most profound sense. Once you create sense in your mind, that creates emotion, and that emotion prompts you to make the 3rd decision below.

3-What Will You Do for Positive Changes?

do it Positive Changes

Your emotional state seriously shapes what you do. If you’re angry, you act differently than when you’re happy. If you want to positive change your behaviour, the quickest way is to change what you focus on and make your meaning more empowering and encouraging. Everyone has a different way of expressing their anger. Some do it quietly, some more loudly and violently. Some people also suppress their offence to get a passive-aggressive opportunity or to take revenge. So, what is the origin of these types of behaviour? People develop their behaviour by caring for those they respect and love.

do it Positive Changes

Most of the time, we find ourselves doing behaviours that we witnessed in our youth and didn’t like at all. That’s why it’s essential to be aware of how you act when angry, sad, or lonely. If you don’t recognize your behaviour, you cannot change it. Now that you know the power of thesethree3 decisions, you can start looking for role models who do what you want to do in life. People’s focus on passionate relationships is entirely different, like the meanings they attach to their relationships, compared to people who are constantly bickeringā€¦ It is not very difficult; If you are aware of the difference in how people approach these three decisions, you have paved the way for permanent and positive changes in all areas of your life.


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