4 Reasons Why We Aren’t Happy With Our Choices


As a result of our choices, we may experience regrets and find ourselves constantly sad. However, even if you have chosen the best option for you, it is possible to experience this pain again. Because the solution to these pains is not about choosing the right option! We would like to conclude our post for today by summarizing the book of a nice person who is more deeply interested in this subject.

In his book The Contradiction of Selection and his Ted Talks speech, Barry Schwartz explained the source of the confusion that everyone wants to find the answer to and the steps to be followed in the uneasy situation brought about by this confusion. As the Brainusermanual team, we tried to summarize it for you.

Should I go or should I stay? Should I say or should I shut up? Which of the 1000 sweaters in the search engine is the most suitable for me? Which of the ten diet types is the best? Which of these men and women is my soul mate? Which coffee bean?

What I Choose Will Work Out Best For Me?


We all want to make the right choice; we want to make sure we make the right decision. But when most of us don’t always make sense, don’t do it, don’t go… We are neither here nor there… It is a period in which we experience scarcity among alternatives and abundance. While the information is flying in the minds, the body is paralyzed, catatonic… Much thought, no action prevails…

Why Are We Unsatisfied With Our Choices With The Plenty Of Alternatives?

Our Choices: Regret


The more alternatives there are, the greater the disappointment with the election. We even feel regret when we imagine these alternatives, so much so that our regret significantly reduces the satisfaction we get from our choice (even if the choice we make is good).

Our Choices: Opportunity Cost


The value of what we choose depends on what we compare it to. Therefore, imagining the attractive aspects of alternatives you rejected or did not choose again reduces the feeling of satisfaction. For example, when we think about the appealing aspects of sitting on the beach rather than being at home, our happiness with the house and what it brings us decreases. When we look at it like this, it also seems like not being able to stay in the “moment,” which is often used, and not being able to focus on what you have chosen.

Our Choices: Over-Raising Expectations


The abundance of options raises expectations. If I choose one of the 100 sweaters, my expectation that that sweater will be the best is too high. Shape, color, fabric, etc. There is a ceiling effect on our expectations.

Our Choices: Self Blame


If the choice you make turns out to be wrong when there are few alternatives, the world is responsible for it (external attribution), and when there are too many alternatives, people tend to blame themselves when the wrong choice is made. “I could have done better,” and the feeling of failure again reduces the sense of satisfaction.



Perhaps the biggest reason for this dissatisfaction in industrialized western societies, where there is material abundance and prosperity, is based on teaching people how to consume alternatives rather than on producing from other options. In addition, some western mottos that we think liberate us, that we never thought about or even memorized, may be driving us away from the feeling of satisfaction by raising our expectations.

“You can be anything you want!” “No limits!”

This is the paradox of choice that does not make us happy! It just doesn’t seem reasonable that we can be anything we want. The absence of limits does not bring happiness. Maybe the importance of borders starts right here. Knowing where we begin and where we will end, our ability to analyze our capacity for self-awareness with our self-awareness, feeds our sense of enjoying life and being satisfied more.

Instead of focusing on the regret of what we did not do, focusing on our capacity to do and improve ourselves makes us more realistic and hopeful in the face of life. Yes, some choices are better than others. Yes, this is a fact. For a better result, the rules are pretty simple;

  • Take responsibility for your choice!
  • No regrets!
  • Don’t make yourself unhappy by constantly thinking about the attractive aspects of alternatives!
  • See how you can transform the choice you are in for yourself! Don’t compare with other selections!


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