7 Tips for Acquiring New Habits


Developing New Habits is not that difficult. You need to know how to do it. The Brainusermanual team offers you tips in the form of a guide. What behaviors do you have that you can describe as healthy? For example, you may be doing sports, paying attention to what you eat, reading books regularly, or trying to acquire new hobbies. So, are you doing these because you feel obligated to do them, or have they become a part of you over time? Although this is the first for many people, turning these behaviors into new habits is essential to get the most out of our actions. Although it may seem challenging to get rid of old habits and acquire new ones, remember that nothing is impossible. It will be enough to know the proper steps and apply them. We explain simple but effective tricks to those who have trouble forming new habits.

1- Give Up Your Old Habits

old habits New Habits

One of the ways to break a habit is to form a new one you can replace. For example, if you crave sweets because you are bored at the same time in the afternoon, and as a result, you eat sweets, if you want to quit this habit, you need to do something else that will do you good at the same time; like going for a walk, calling a friend.

2-Take Time for Yourself

time yourself New Habits

With current research, we know that the formation time of new habits is 21-66 days. So when something goes wrong, be kind to yourself rather than rushing to yourself and giving up on your goal. Mostly, we wait for the things we want to happen as soon as possible. But for good things, you have to be a little patient. The situation does not change here either. You can get what you want in time by deciding what you need to turn into a habit and going over it.

3-Start with Small Steps

little steps Small Steps

Dividing the new habits you want to acquire into tiny steps is critical for maintaining the habit. For example, if you want to do oil-pulling in the morning, instead of starting with 20 minutes right away, you can start with 2 minutes and increase this time over time.

4-Repeat New Habits

repeat New Habits

There needs to be more room for ephemerals in an effective habit-forming system. In other words, when turning a behavior into a habit, it is necessary to repeat it as much as possible. So consistency and continuity are critical.


reward New Habits

While acquiring a behavior or turning it into a habit, the first stage should be a little more fun. When it comes to rewarding ourselves at the end of the work, it increases the tendency to repeat. It doesn’t even need to be a tangible award. Enjoying or being proud of what you do can also be a reward.

6-Create Appropriate Conditions for New Habits

condition New Habits

Your environment should make it easy to maintain the habit you’re trying to form. For example, if you want to get into the habit of drinking water, you should have a jug on your desk. If you want to get into the habit of meditation, you must have determined and arranged the corner and place where you will meditate.

7-Combine Your New Habits


One of the easiest ways to get a new habit is to add it to an old habit. Thus, since your new habit is included in an existing system, it will be much easier for you to maintain it.


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