Motivation is a Real Miracle: Discover the Energy That Makes Everything Possible


You don’t have to watch the person’s work to see if it suits his talent. It’s enough if you look into their eyes. A cook is making gravy; a surgeon is making the incision and a clerk is filling a bill of lading. The same ecstasy on their faces… They forget themselves while working. How beautiful is that look that ignores itself and dives into the object!” W.H. Auden


Let’s say we’re starting a business. Our first step is the hardest. Sometimes the things we do seem big to us. We delay. We delay again. We say, “I’ll do it later”… Sometimes, there is such excitement that we want to start immediately. We get lost in that business. That subject becomes the most important event in the world for that moment! We do not understand how the minutes pass; We can work late at night, nonstop on the weekend, and nothing can affect us with outside distractions—like our friends’ invitations to go out. We only have to finish that job!


This is what we call motivation, with that miraculous power! Everything is easy if there is motivation. Everything is “doable” if there is motivation. Nothing is impossible if there is motivation. If we are motivated, there is no early morning or late night because the desire is there. The energy of doing is there. What we do with motivation does not burden us. Motivation is like painting; We begin to see the world in colour.


Today, in this article, I would like to focus on how valuable motivation is. We skip interpreting the topics we generally approach in our daily lives (whether it be cooking, preparing an important contract to be signed, or signing up for a gym to lose weight) for our motivation. Afterwards, we prolong some things in ways we do not understand, we cannot do some things… However, some things are so easy to do that we do not even question them… The main factor that creates this difference is “willingness to do” or, in other words, motivation; our great energy lights up in our hearts, and we can use that internal combustion engine analogy!


To understand this in detail, let’s examine an excerpt from Daniel Pink’s work called Drive:

“(…) More importantly, the relationship between what a person should do and what they can do is perfect in flow. The challenge faced is neither too easy nor too difficult. It requires an effort one or two levels above one’s current skills. This strains the body and mind so that the action becomes the most delicious reward. This balance creates a level of focus and satisfaction that easily overshadows other everyday experiences. In the flow, people experience that moment so intensely and feel so in control of everything that their consciousness of time, place and even self dissolves.

(…) According to the study’s findings, the best predictor of success was that prospective students had a non-cognitive, abstract character trait called ‘perseverance and determination’ – defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. The experience of these officers in training confirms the second law of mastery: Mastery is suffering.

Motivation work harder

As wonderful as the flow may be, the path to mastery – getting better daily at something you care about – isn’t a path surrounded by fields of flowers and a rainbow on it. If it were, more people would take this journey. Mastery hurts. Sometimes, a lot of the time, it’s not fun at all. What we learned from the work of psychologist Anders Ericsson, who conducted groundbreaking research on experts’ performance, opened a new window on the elements that feed mastery. He says: ‘Many of the characteristics that were once believed to reflect innate talents are the result of at least ten years of intense practice.’ Mastering sports, music, and business means long-term effort (not a week, month, or ten years). (difficult, painful, excruciating and demanding).” Despite all this pain and all these efforts, the power that keeps us alive is motivation! This motivation is the basis of the courage of the person who sets out to cross the mountains and the feeling inside us when we try to take a step to do a small job.


We suggest you hold tight to that feeling that motivates you the most in your life, perhaps allowing you to see the pain you are going through from a different perspective and that burns the power of success within you. Because where there is motivation, there is a heart; where there is a heart, there is effort, and where there is effort, there is always success! I wish your motivation to always be at the highest level…


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