Get in Touch with Yourself Through the Mind Map Diary

Keeping a Mind Map Diary Is More Useful Than You Think

mind map diary

You can contact yourself by Mind Map Diary. All types of diaries are significant in your life. Because it can help you establish a mind-body balance, when you achieve this, the doors of a long and, more importantly, healthy life will open for you. Scientific research shows that the effects of writing are much more significant than we expected. There are thousands of books on the secret of long life. As the Brainusermanual team, when we look at the people around us who live longer, they cannot explain their situation with genetics or nutrition, they have a habit of keeping their minds constantly updated, and they only keep a diary.

Keep Your Diary as a Mind Map

Diary as a Mind Map

Especially a colourful diary Retrospective including your Plans kept in Mind Map format. Such diaries give you the feeling that you are the protagonist of a heartwarming movie. You start living your life with excitement and curiosity. People who live long are naturally curious. Over the years, we have observed and heard from them that people who wake up with curiosity, no matter their age, can find a way even if they experience tough losses and financial and moral difficulties. The mind, which always seeks perfection, constantly struggles with logic. “What if I write simple things” “Will I deal with this” “What will it gain me” “Waste of time!”. Only the day’s weather, mood, and even the neighbour’s noise can be the subject of the diary. Keeping a Diary was part of the daily routine of my grandfather, who passed away on his 95th birthday. Maybe he wasn’t aware of its usefulness, but his mind was always alive until the last moment.

Quickly Scan Your Mind and Complete Your Day

mind map diary Complete Your Day

You are waking up to the day with curiosity like a child and questioning how valuable it is to write it down and share a little with yourself. Writing articles for yourself is a reward you give yourself and supports your creativity. If you can understand a mind map and start using it, keeping a diary will take 15-20 minutes. You can achieve this by learning to use Keywords. Thanks to the correctly chosen Keywords, you can make a mini-map that summarizes your whole day at the end of the day without prolonging the sentences and wasting time. We have already said that your diary can allow you to watch your life like a movie. Now you can take five more minutes to make it more fun. Draw a circular clock in the upper right corner of your diary. Divide this hour into two or three-hour time zones and determine your activities. Many people realize they have a routine when drawing this on paper. For example, determine when you are most productive during your working hours or the periods you spend doing sports or reading books.

Determine Your Routine for Mind Map Diary

Determine Your Routine Mind Map Diary

For example, for your fitness activity, you can choose noon hours when your energy is high. You can set the hours before noon when your mind is bright for the hours you need to get your work done. You don’t need to do this every day. Of course, your routines can be interrupted by your travels and surprise activities that you did not plan. But if you have a big goal you want to achieve and you need to work regularly, routines are necessary. Keep the hours when you sleep, eat and exercise the same. Just Sleep at night. If possible, try to sleep between 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM. This is a very productive sleep. Never sleep after sunrise. Try to sleep for one more hour at noon when the sun is at its peak. This will perfect your brain’s performance.

Inspiration Comes When You Write


When you start using the sound inside, you are more likely to hear it. Writing a day’s experience without forcing oneself, writing without delay, regardless of the mode, also supports the creation of what is written after a while. Improvisational violinist Stephan Nachmanovich’s saying, “The most powerful muse is the child within”, explains how he is so creative and inspiring in his art. The writer can contact his inner muse; if he does this regularly, the muse can even become an artist.

Mind Map Diary Is Effective Meditation

writing Meditation

He may not specialize in writing, and writing may not satisfy anyone, but the writer takes a step on the journey of creation and strengthens his different muscles. Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, said, “Something new is found not by reason, but by instinct to play, born of inner necessity. The expression “The creative mind plays with objects” reminds me of how different places are activated in the mind while writing and that writing can turn from logic to reflection of emotions. Sometimes you park your thoughts and emotions in a place where they don’t occupy you by simply writing down your fears, disappointments, or worries that day. Afterwards, the mind makes room for new places and supports creativity by establishing different connections with these innovations. You can look at the act of writing, which we believe to be a kind of meditation, as a gift to yourself, an inspiration for your creativity, an opportunity to see your development, and perhaps a trace of yourself from the past.


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