5 Ways to Improve Your Memory to Stay with a Young Brain

technology Improve Memory

The capacity of your brain is unlimited. You can remember anything you want. It just takes a little practice to improve memory. By changing a few habits, you can benefit from the superior potential of your memory. As the authors of the Brainusermanual, we always say, if you use your brain in the way it was created, you will discover the amazing potential of your brain.

There are endless opportunities offered by developing technology to make life easier. First, most of the applications we frequently use in our daily life; applications that we use, such as calendars, note programs, and to-do lists, to remember important things. So, does our brain need all of these, or how does it all affect our Memory?

don't use notebook

When it comes to notes taken to remember things, We spend just as much time organizing, rewriting, or reviewing our notes as we do with thinking. When this is the case, besides the reminder functions, notes can also be a waste of time. The practical feature of taking notes; Having a chance to throw them out of your head after you put your ideas and things to do on paper. However, in this case, you also eliminate the chance of ideas coming together to form new ideas.

We, as the Brainusermanual team, do not recommend that you take notes in plain text. Your notes should be in the form of keywords, and you can create them in seconds without wasting time. The shorter and more keywords you describe, the more you will remember. You can make a mind map to take short and memorable notes. You can click if you want to take a detailed look at other methods, such as mind maps, that will strengthen your brain completely. So, this article will only give advice on your brain’s memory function.

1-Inception Phase to Improve Memory

no phone forced

If your desire to improve your memory is high, we do not think you will find it difficult. If this experiment inspired you and you decided to test your Memory, The first days of the practice may be a little difficult for you. You may be surprised to realize how much you use your smartphone or pocket computer that you always have with you to take notes, record your ideas, or remember your schedule. Therefore, the first step you will take when getting started; Deleting all applications such as notes and lists that replace your Memory from your phone and computer. However, since you cannot destroy all programs, paper, and pencils, conditioning yourself is one of the most critical conditions.

2-Keeping Lists in Mind

story Improve Memory

We need to jot down to-do’s, shopping lists, or daily plans during the day. Note-taking is efficient, as your brain allows you to remember without extra effort. One of the practical and fun methods you can use to get rid of the habit of taking notes; turning your lists into stories. For example, instead of making a shopping list, In your mind, you can go to the market, do your shopping, and turn the parts you visit and the things you buy into a story. For example, “As we move from the detergent aisle to the drinks, I stopped by the bakery aisle and bought two loaves of bread…”. Although you may need to expend extra energy to remember things that don’t repeat, this methods improve memory and will get stronger and stronger as you try to remember. Making up stories is ancient knowledge that has been used for centuries to improve memory. Keep applying this old knowledge because it still works very well.

neurons network google

Your ability to remember will also increase. The principle of operation of the technique is simple; Instead of trying to keep a series of independent and unrelated things in mind, you need to keep one thing that comes together to form a logical form. The more you connect things you need to keep in mind, the more likely you will remember them.

sherlock memory palace

Another method is to improve memory palace. Its application is as follows; You place all the information you need to remember and exciting details in a part of the palace you have built. For example, “In the living room, a monkey with a banana on its head and a cat holding a kiwi is teasing a dog that eats a pear.”. Remembering lists more extended than 20-30 items can be challenging, but you’ll still be happy to be successful without lists. You can marvel at the improvement in your memory when the memory palace technique is practiced regularly.

3-Dates and Addresses Improve Memory

date and adresses Improve Memory

Addresses and dates are great for improving memory. Of course, lists are not the only thing we must remember. Dates, some information, and new things you read are among the things we need to remember most of the time and need technological reminders. One of the methods you can use to retain such information is; to visualize a visual in your head that contains individual pieces of information. For example, if you have friends whose wedding anniversary is June 21, a visible with “June eating cake for 21 hours” might be of use to you. It contains all the information or reminders you need; for this example, 21, pie, and June.

september cartoon

Remembering addresses is more accessible than most other things. All you have to do is take some time to study the street and street signs. Because your visual Memory can do much more than you might expect, if you are confusing several streets while searching for an address, it will help you to start again from the starting point or from a place you are sure is correct. So, getting lost is a valuable way to find a valid address.

4-Remembering Your Ideas for Brain Enhancing

visualization Improve Memory

When you stop using external resources to remember, the biggest challenge you may face is; that what comes to your mind will be to place your creative ideas. Especially if you like to jot down your every idea right away. One of the methods you will use to keep your thoughts in mind is the “visualization” technique we mentioned above. It’s a practical method that will come in handy, especially when you can’t take notes.

new ideas Improve Memory

“To act.” When a new idea comes to your mind during an activity, you can continue later and immediately start working on your statement. If you don’t have the necessary resources or time, you can at least try to organize it in your head. It’s easy to put off things you haven’t started yet, but your desire to finish things unfinished will outweigh it. “I’ll deal with it later.” or “I’m adding it to my notes.” Instead of procrastinating, use your time to turn your idea into reality.

5-Carrying into Your Life to Improve Memory

Big Brain Talking

Giving up all the blessings of technology or trying to apply all the abovementioned methods may not be the right choice. For example, when you go to an unfamiliar place, it would be unwise to rely on your Memory. Or, when you forget something on the list while shopping, you have to risk going to the grocery store again. Avoiding all applications to remember things may not directly improve memory. But it will help you teach yourself to recognize. As a result, the brain is also a muscle and grows as your muscles use it. Also, no matter how many lists you put in, you can always skip or neglect things that are unimportant to you.

The Improve memory techniques are just the beginning. If you do not use these memory improvement ways you have learned regularly, there will be no improvement in your memory.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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