Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button” Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Be Happy


Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button”. In case you were wondering, learning is now very close. And when learning begins to happen, that wonderful chemical that is your brain’s save button is released. “Curiosity is the most important thing we have.” James Cameron, director of Oscar-winning films like The Terminator and Titanic, gave a TED talk in 2010. Contrary to his expectations, he talked about creativity, discovery, innovation and leadership rather than how to make a movie. In fact, like Cameron, most of us have an insatiable desire to seek, learn, to explore. As humans, we are natural explorers and are born this way equipped. In her TED talk, The new brain science of learning, Martha Burns (professor) says neuroscience explains why we enjoy learning. Learning something new activates the same reward areas in the brain as drugs and gambling.

In his speech, Burns answers, “Why are some people more motivated to learn?” The reason for this is Dopamine, a small chemical that must be present in the brain to store information. Dopamine, a potent chemical, can be secreted quickly by artificial triggers such as drugs and gambling, but these have serious consequences. At this point, the question comes to mind, “Is there a harmless way to achieve this mental pleasure?” The answer to this question is to learn something new. According to Burns, people also release Dopamine when they know something new and exciting, which is a much healthier way to feel good.

Dopamine The Brain’s “Save Button”

Dopamine The Brain

“Learning new things is an adventure, it’s rewarding, and the dopamine level increases so you can store that new information in the brain. I call Dopamine the “save button” in the brain. When Dopamine is present during an activity or experience, that information sticks in our minds. Otherwise nothing seems to stick.” Martha Burns says: The way to increase Dopamine naturally is to learn new things and try new methods. That’s why it’s fun to learn new things. In addition, learning is addictive because it is full of enthusiasm.

If our ancestors had not been curious, we would have been extinct long ago. If you know something new or how to use it in everyday life, you will remember this information. “Recognition of innovation is a genetically-based survival tool shared by all humans. Our brains are trained to look for something smart, new, attention-grabbing,” says Dr WHITE. Pradeep. It is exciting to receive information that is entirely new and told differently, that offers new and unique solutions to problems. Because the human brain loves innovation. Something out of the ordinary grabs your attention, makes you forget what you already know and quickly gives you a new perspective. Things that are interesting, informative and inspiring stay in mind. You feel a natural hunger for anything that changes the perspective (perspective) that makes you look at the world differently. Changing your perspective is also very important for happiness and well-being. So what can be done to change your mindset and find this new path to happiness?

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Do New Things To Be Happy


For this, you have to bombard your brain with new experiences. Treat your brain like a little kid and get its attention Creativity and new ways engage your brain. The way to start your creativity right away is to embrace new experiences. By bombarding the brain with new experiences, neuroscientists have found the opportunity to view the world through a new lens. It would be best if you got out of your office and home from time to time. Experience recent events, people and places. Most importantly, bring these new experiences into your work, make them a part of your life, and take action.

Change Your Life with Inner Change

Change Your Life

Going out, doing new things, thinking differently and looking differently is the beginning of change. The Inner Change Camp, which we mentioned in an article, offers you and your brain a new experience, making it easier for you to make changes. The Internal Change Camp, which you can attend online and face-to-face, is a camp system that sends daily applications. The camp process is an active participatory process consisting of the Cognitive-Behavioral approach, Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, Solution-Focused Therapies and Conscious Awareness-based, personalized practices that are valid today. In the first meeting, the issue you want to solve and improve is determined, your goals are defined, and an exceptional program is prepared for you in line with your needs. Then, you will be sent the applications you need to do that day every day. It would be best if you took responsibility for the operation and actively participated in this process.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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