7 Amazing Habits to Live Better

We all wish for a good life. To spend our time to the fullest, we want to build a healthier, happier, more vibrant life. So how do we do it? Let’s start today with seven suggestions for a good life that will be good for us!

1-Choose Foods That Are Good For Your Body


Do we feed it with real foods, or do we constantly harm the perfect functioning of our body with refined sugar, processed products, and packaged foods? Let’s reduce the foods that will cause inflammation, that is, fire in the body. Let’s replace it with plenty of seasonal vegetables, fruits, animal or vegetable proteins, good fats, raw nuts and seeds. Let’s bring the rainbow into our lives with our colourful plates.

2-Donot Eat Unless You’re Hungry, Try Intermittent Fasting


Which one do we want our body to spend energy on? Is it the digestion we work out because we snack even though we are not always hungry, or our immune system, which we will invest for better days? When we have many meals, we do not give our bodies any time to rest, heal and renew. Instead, we can choose a small number of meals and make our meals with abundant and healthy foods. With intermittent fasting, we can only eat at certain intervals during the day and consume only water, coffee, and tea for the rest of the day. (16-8, 18-6, 20-4 etc.)

3-Include Regular Exercise in Your Life


We cannot finish counting the benefits of exercise. We should make sports a part of our lives for a better life. Because regular exercise provides weight control, increases our creativity, strengthens our memory, and increases our happiness hormones. It protects us from diseases and helps us reduce our stress. If you are one of those who say that they can’t find the motivation to exercise even though we know these, our sharing below is just for you! You will not believe how you can exercise regularly with a few changes in your habits.

4-Do not Say I’m Too Stressed, Learn to Manage Stress


Stress is a fact of our life. Unfortunately, it also invites many physical and mental illnesses. No matter how healthy we eat, even if we do sports; It is tough for us to improve our quality of life if we let stress take over. That’s why do whatever works for you to reduce stress. Dance, spend time outdoors, get support from your surroundings, and pray. Of course, don’t underestimate the importance of meditation. How about starting with one of the numerous meditation options?

5-Make Time For Your Loved Ones And Your Relationships That Feed You


We all have different dreams; Some of us want to be more successful, some of us are after more material gains, and some want to live healthier by paying attention to what we eat and drink. But did you know that the most important thing for a good life is “good relationships”? If this information surprised you, the rest is waiting for you below.

6-Find Your Life Purpose and Hold It Firmly


Sometimes rather than our wishes, we focus on what is expected of us, what everyone is chasing after. We don’t question what I expect from life, what makes us the happiest. Then we saw the years pass, and we wasted our lives because of the steps we could not take and what others would say. How sad it sounds, right? Then the remedy is straightforward, to find the purpose of your life that will make you truly happy by trying and failing. And whatever you can do, work hard to realize it.

7-Try to Avoid All Kinds of Toxins

toxic people

Start with what you eat first. Pay attention to seasonal and organic nutrition. Protect yourself from harmful chemicals and therefore consume foods with higher nutritional value. In the following steps, review them all, from the cleaning materials you use for the house to the personal care products you use for yourself. If possible, choose more natural and clean ingredients to keep toxins away from you.


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