5 Tips to Facilitate Decision-Making Processes for Those With Indecision

Decision-making Indispensable Decision

Decision-making is a need in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we have to make big decisions about our family, work, and lifestyle, which is important to us, but we make countless decisions daily, from which brand of spice to buy in the market to which stall to shop in. It is normal to set aside a certain amount of time and have difficulty making big decisions that will affect our lives deeply. Sometimes, even in daily decisions, there may be minor difficulties. But when the inability to make a decision becomes chronic, it affects life negatively. The most common symptoms of indecision are the inability to take a step, inability to take action, insecurity, accumulation of unfinished business because no decision has been made, and becoming dependent on someone else’s decisions. If these symptoms sound familiar to you, it’s time to take steps to resolve the indecision. As the Brainusermanual team, we will share tried-and-working ways of thinking with you so that you can break through your indecision and reveal your brain’s true potential. Here are these thoughts you can try:

1-Start by Listing the “Indispensables” on the Subject You Will be Deciding

Start by Listing  Decision-making

In the process of indecision, sometimes days, weeks, or even months can not get out of the work. One of the biggest reasons for this is that new perspectives emerge as you think and research, making it increasingly difficult to decide by branching out the options. However, when you determine the indispensable things that you said, “when I make this decision, it must include this and that”, some options will be eliminated automatically, and it will be easier for you to decide.

2-Write What Can Happen If You Make a Mistake

If You Make a Mistake Decision-making

Sometimes the biggest reason for not being able to make a decision is the fear of making a mistake. If your decision was “wrong”, list what could happen. A more innocent picture may emerge than you think. Thus, it can be easier to see the possibilities and decide what comes to mind according to the possible consequences. In addition, accepting that everyone can make mistakes and thinking about what you would say to your best friend in this situation and telling yourself will make the process easier.

3-Spend Less Time on Daily Decision-Making

Daily Decisions

Start decision-making faster than your normal routine when choosing a T-shirt to wear when going out, a movie to watch in the evening, and a stall to buy parsley at the market. Like in 5 minutes! You can choose a topic and only work on it that week. As you make decisions, your self-confidence starts to come back, and as the sensation of being able to make decisions become familiar in your body, it becomes easier to make other decisions.

4-If You are Stuck Between Two Options, Consider the Third Option

Consider the Third Option

Sometimes we are stuck between two options and cannot move forward. Find the option that outweighs you and add the most important feature that you couldn’t leave out in the other option, and try to create your own third option. If it can be applied to your conditions, a new option will fully absorb you.

5-Is Your Decision-Making Really Yours?

Decision Really Yours Decision-making

The underlying reason for not being able to decide may be that you listen to other people’s opinions rather than your own and get confused, thinking “what should be”. The decision-making process is easier when the decision comes from within, from your pure self. For this, you need to learn to hear your inner voice. Before moving on to what to decide, calming down and calming the mind, maybe doing breathing or meditation work, and spending time alone with yourself will help you hear your inner voice.


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