12 Perspectives That Help Unleash the Absolute Power in Your Brain

brain power

Our lives are indeed susceptible to loss of control, but not for those who have discovered the absolute power within. Of course, it is impossible to control every moment of your life and live every second as you want. Those who can unleash and live the powers of their brain in a way that comes from their Nature are the people closest to real happiness and satisfaction. When you can realize and use these powers in yourself, nothing can upset you or wear you down because now you have learned what you are and what you are not. It is not difficult for you to come to this point; brainusermanual explains the perspectives that pave the way for the revelation of this absolute power in you and are the keys to a life that will enable you to reach fulfillment.

1-Determine Your Core Values

core value

Knowing what we value most and what we believe in is essential to building a happy and fulfilling life. It builds trust in our relationships. It gives us confidence when making decisions. It creates a strong foundation for our personality.

2-Live a Purposeful Life


It’s too easy to fall into a passive mindset where we feel like something is happening to us. We lose the power of our choices, rely on other people to decide for us, and then complain that things aren’t going the way we want them to. Beautiful things happen when we accept that life is entirely our responsibility. My life, as it is right now, is the result of my choices. I choose the direction my life will take. I am the author of my own story. Focusing on returning the power to your conscious choice is a direct way to feel more confident, more determined, and more powerful.

3-Accept Your Nature and Meet Your Needs

accept nature

Man has specific needs. Many needs can be listed, from the need for food and shelter to the requirements for emotional security, creative expression, and belonging. If you know, understand, and accept your inner conditions, you will take the necessary steps to meet them. Unmet needs will always try to find ways to be completed, which can cause us to act erratically or to do things we don’t understand or expect. As we become more conscious of our needs, we gain more wisdom about our inner processes and gain control over our own choices. A fulfilling life fulfills all your needs, so understanding them is essential. Often, being aware of them also allows us to act more consistently and effectively, which in turn will enable us to create a fulfilling lifestyle.

4-Grow Towards Your Original Self

original self

What is adulthood? There are things we can all do to step into our adult selves. First, understand the Nature of your inner child and learn to parent it, so they didn’t get out of balance with our needs decades ago. Let go of impulses and learned responses that no longer serve us. It’s often a long and arduous journey, but stepping into true adulthood is one of the most transformative things we’ll ever experience.

5-Take a Life Learning Journey

life learning

We do our best when we are open to growth, change, and adventure. We will never reach the end of this journey. This lesson invites us to see our lives as evolving adventures. As we enter new chapters or periods in our lives, the Nature of adventure changes, but there is always more to learn, more experience, and new ways of understanding ourselves better. Dedicating ourselves to this lifelong journey means growing every moment until our life story ends, being open to change, and being solid, and truly alive.

6-Get Rid of Cultural Expectations


Our society has accomplished incredible things Science, political freedom, art, and culture. But it also has toxic lessons that we unconsciously accept. Men and women are expected to act in specific ways, and these expectations force us into unreal personalities. We may believe that happiness is something we find through money, fame or other signs of success. We may have unhealthy ideas about relationships that we learn from books, movies, or social media. We may believe that nothing we do matters. We must discover the lessons our culture imposes on us and learn strategies to protect our true selves.

7-Balance Weakness and Boundaries


We need to connect deeply with others, so how do we keep things real, balanced, fair, and healthy Vulnerability is the ability to be accurate, to let our guard down in a healthy way, to let people see the natural person behind their mask. It can be scary – it means losing too much control, and it means risking rejection. Meanwhile, we must be clear about the boundaries, which are neither good nor bad for us. If we can balance these two skills, we build strong, nurturing, healthy relationships with our friends and partners at work.

8-Believe You Can Overcome Difficult Things


We grow when we face something difficult and then overcome it. We adapt, learn new skills, stretch ourselves, and discover new things about ourselves. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to fall into a relaxed way of being to stay away from new, unfamiliar, or different things, which tends to get worse as you get older. People are increasingly trapped in their comfort zone and make fun of people who take risks, make mistakes, or behave strangely. As a result, we experience less peace in our lives because we become more and more afraid of change. It’s important to keep stretching ourselves throughout our lives because as we continue to do scary, unfamiliar things, we provide a strong foundation of trust and harmony, which encourages a more peaceful, joyful life.

9-Support Others, Don’t Rescue Them


We tend to save people emotionally. We soothe upset friends or relatives when something difficult happens to them. We comfort them and say things to ease their pain. We don’t want to see our loved ones suffer. But suffering has a purpose. We don’t wish to leave our closest friends while they’re in pain. So this lesson is about empathizing with struggling people but not jumping into the role of savior, not taking away their struggles. It’s about standing in solidarity instead of stepping into a parent role. It’s often difficult because we’re taught that it’s okay to save people, but empathy and compassion help us support the development of others and build stronger adult relationships.

10-Nothing to Fear


Fear is a friend that will always be with us. It is an integral part of our emotional landscape. To deny Fear is to let it control us. If we want to move our lives in a good direction, it is necessary to accept our fears and understand the emotion’s purpose.

11-Reconnect with Nature


There is overwhelming evidence that a strong connection with Nature is good for our mental health. There are things only the wilderness can teach us. Nature isn’t always kind or relaxed, so we must go out in harsh weather, travel wild terrain, and leave our comfortable worlds behind. As we grapple with the raw experience of mother nature, we will find our lost essentials. Inner wildness is the freedom of our soul, our irrepressible desire to explore, grow, express our passion and be truly alive in every moment. We can easily fall into the trap of our domesticated lives; We move slowly through our days and forget the feeling that we are here right now, living this wild and precious life. So this lesson explores what it means to be a fantastic, free, conscious animal.

12-Improve Self-Care


Sometimes you will have to be alone on your journey, and sometimes it won’t be easy. Therefore, we must have strong flexibility skills. Are you good at looking after yourself in ways that help? If not, what gets in the way? Learning to love ourselves and take care of ourselves in healthy, sustainable, practical ways is an essential skill. Self-love is a skill that has practical applications in the real world. This course is about understanding our blocks to self-care and learning what self-care looks like for us.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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