Category: Uncategorized

blind spot 0

Recognize Your Blind Spots Try Seeing Yourself Through Others’ Eyes

Your blind spot is usually not clear to you. People around you can notice this. Or if you try to look at it from someone else’s point of view, you can realize it yourself after a while. Our perceptions shape our life. The way we perceive life and our inferences influence our thoughts and behaviours. We pass the behaviour of those around us through our perception filters. As a result, we get an opinion about people. On the other hand, we must admit that there are always differences between how we see ourselves and how others see us. But sometimes,...

life 0

Questions to Ask Yourself to Understand Life

Is it possible to understand life? Have you ever heard the saying that the entire universe can fit in your brain? Can you find the whole of everything, even in a speck? As the Brainusermanual team, we have come to confuse you a little today. In our experience, people who ask questions about existence are much happier and more peaceful than happy, compared to people who don’t think about these questions. The happiest and most peaceful person we have ever seen was telling us that the whole of existence is present in every particle. He said existence consists of a...

success 0

Accurately Reach Success by Identifying the 3 Most Accurate Steps

Being passionate, determined, and over-eager while looking for ways to achieve success sometimes accurately puts us in the “how not to be successful” dilemma. Most of the time, a successful person can sometimes feel dissatisfied despite all their success. One of the reasons behind this is that he takes the goal one step further every time he approaches whatever he wants to achieve and constantly increases his self-expectation. This is one of the dangers that await people with a growth mindset. Another illusion on this path is “If we work hard if we are willing enough if we use our...

happy 0

100 BrainUsers Rules to Improve Your Life Positively

No matter how successful, happy or healthy your life is, you can find many ways to improve yourself. If you want to make changes that will enhance your life, looking at the 100 suggestions we have put together for Brainusermanual followers is helpful. 1-Have Breakfast Every Morning Start the day with breakfast to provide the energy you need during the day and to protect your physical and mental health. 2-Sleep Regularly To lead a happy and productive life, you need to be energetic. So build your sleep pattern to get enough sleep. 3-Drink Water Drink plenty of water to feel...

old senior 0

Life Lessons You Can Learn From Your 90-Year-Old Seniors

The life lesson you can learn from your 90-year-old elders may perhaps help you overcome the difficulties you experience in everyday life. Brainusermanual owners consider to what their elders say. Of course, this does not mean everything they say is true. “Considering” means you find it worth listening to and thinking about. For example, who would you ask to get information about the status of a place you are going to? Of course, you would ask someone else who has been there before. Some common behaviors are seen in intelligent people who have lived for almost a century. Before moving...

daily routine 0

Life Routines to Help You Reach Your Best Self

Life routines make your life easier. Contrary to popular belief, people who can use their time more productively and in a balanced way cannot do a lot in a short time; Did you know that there are people who can use all hours of a day most effectively? You will find that you can use your time much better when you follow certain routines and, more importantly, discover what your own needs and wants are. There is only one magic word, Routines, that will help you to organize your home life, get more efficiency from your work, or strengthen your...

speed reading 0

Speed ​​Reading Techniques Increase Your Reading Speed with Simple but Effective Hacks

Speed ​​reading techniques can help you in many areas of life. For example, do you have a lot of paperwork strewn around the house with deadlines approaching, Or do you need to read a lot for your job, Or just want to be fast? Whether it’s your reasons; whether or business, Reading fast with understanding is something you can learn with a bit of practice. Moreover, speed reading techniques forces the human brain to perform better and more quickly. As you know to speed up reading, your brain is trained to absorb information much faster than it is used to....

Prevent Alzheimer's 0

Developing Intelligence in 19 Steps to Prevent Alzheimer’s

If you are afraid of Alzheimer’s in the future, you are in the right place. Develop intelligence to prevent Alzheimer’s with Brainusermanual. Alzheimer’s is also related to genetic predisposition. If your family has it, you are at risk too. The Brainusermanual team is with you, we have prepared this guide for you to protect you from wrong behavior and tell you the right behavior now please relax. If you treat your brain the right way, you certainly won’t get Alzheimer’s, even if you have a genetic predisposition. The brain, the most complex organ of the body and regulating all our...

mind reset 0

Combine Mind Reset with Positive Thinking in 9 Steps

Do you know what you can achieve with mind reset and Positive Thinking power? If we told you that you would have the ability to go forward and achieve anything you want, would you accept it? Or would you start thinking about all the ‘possible’ negativity coming your way? If you believe that the negativity that might come your way will come to Mind, now is the time to free yourself from the clutches of this negative mindset. Brainusermanual users can stay away from Negative thoughts as they take care to use their brains correctly. They almost format their brains...

old man brain 0

18 Practical Ways to Happiness and Keep Your Brain Always Young with Brain Training

Has anyone ever told you the real reason for your unhappiness? Even if the sessions take longer, your psychologist will not tell you about it. As the authors of the Brain User Manual, we can assure you that our primary focus is the brain. We know very well why your brain is unhappy and why you age. And you will learn about it in this article! We have to give our brains some preoccupation; otherwise, we will get bored and feel worse than we have ever felt before. You have two options in front of you: train your brain or...