Category: Physically

Power Nap 0

Boost Your Performance and Creativity with Power Nap

Power nap is an effortless and amazing brain development method that takes a concise time but has a huge impact. The most precious time of the day to sleep is at noon when the sun is directly overhead. Sleep during these hours is 3-4 times more valuable than night sleep. In other words, a half-hour power nap can rest you as if you slept for 1.5 – 2 hours. As users of Brainusermanual, your brain works better. According to science, you can increase your performance and creativity with a power nap. Some large companies that value employee happiness and promote...

deep rest 0

5 Tips to Recharge Yourself with Deep Rest

When was the last time you rested? All the work you have to do aside, and a state of complete deep rest. Most of us see rest as laziness and do not allow ourselves to rest. Again, most of us do not know what to do to relax. For example, we see watching violent TV series and movies or surfing Instagram on weekends as activities for relaxation. Make a change today and create appropriate moments during the day and take time to rest. How about we should pay attention to charging ourselves as well as charging our phones? Here are...

brain healthy foods 0

5 Brain Foods That Bring Happiness

Many studies in recent years have revealed that paying attention to eating brain foods helps us to be physically and mentally fit. In studies conducted at various universities, the participants’ diets were followed, and the relationship between the quality and amount of the food they consumed and the symptoms of depression was noted. The result of all research is this: You can improve your quality of life thanks to foods that give happiness. Not Consuming Brain Foods Causes Depression Nine thousand volunteers participated in the joint work of two universities in Spain in 2012. Care was taken to ensure that...

Serotonin happy 0

13 Ways to Increase Your Serotonin Levels (Without Socializing)

Have you been told before that you need to increase your serotonin? Increase your serotonin level, and be happier. The equation is that simple. Serotonin is a chemical produced by our nerves that connects us to life, makes us happy, cheers us up, and adds light to our grey and depressing lives. It is found in abundance in the brain. Partly in your intestines and partly in your platelets. Life without a lover is unpleasant; life without serotonin is an unhappy life. Serotonin hormone levels drop, appetite increases, pain begins, migraines do not go away, and we feel bad no...

daily routine 0

Life Routines to Help You Reach Your Best Self

Life routines make your life easier. Contrary to popular belief, people who can use their time more productively and in a balanced way cannot do a lot in a short time; Did you know that there are people who can use all hours of a day most effectively? You will find that you can use your time much better when you follow certain routines and, more importantly, discover what your own needs and wants are. There is only one magic word, Routines, that will help you to organize your home life, get more efficiency from your work, or strengthen your...

tropical fruits for health 0

4 Tropical Fruits Will Boost Your Health

Tropical fruits can boost your brain and overall health when consumed correctly. Consuming tropical fruits for your health is a fun option. Your brain’s primary fuel is glucose. It can obtain this fuel from any kind of food through various transformations. However, the sources of sugar that you take from the outside with their fiber through fruits can also be good for your brain and body health. However, it is possible to create exquisite tastes by evaluating these fruits, which have just started to enter our kitchens and are now found in many markets and greengrocers and come from the...

avoid nightmares 0

To Avoid Nightmares Try The World’s Simplest Solution

Want to avoid your nightmares? We live busy and tiring lives. We eat unhealthily and we don’t get enough sleep. Every day we have to face endless stress. In the past, our ancestors experienced stress while fleeing from the lion, but this was not like ours. Their stress was temporary. When they managed to escape from the lion, their stress was over. The artificial stresses we experience continue to increase constantly. You are having nightmares and it may be affecting your life deeply. Although this sounds scary, it can be solved with a simple exercise for a more peaceful sleep....

fear height 0

Eliminate Fear of Heights with 3 Important Therapies

Did you know that millions of people around the world have a fear of heights? About 6% of all people in the world struggle with acrophobia. The fear of heights, which is also included in the literature as acrophobia, can cause the person to be anxious about situations involving height. It can also lead to difficulties in different contexts in daily life. In this article, you can discover different therapy methods that are effective in dealing with the fear of heights, which reveals more than panic and stress. How Can You Tell If You Have a Fear of Heights? The...

brain foods 0

Ten Simple Nutrition Tips For Boosting Your Brain-2

Yes, nutrition tips for boosting your brain, which is among the most curious subjects, is extensive. Although we tried to shorten it, it became a long series of articles when we added some essential nutritional formulas. For this reason, we thought it appropriate to compile this long article and divide it into two. We wish you pleasant reading. We continue the second part of our article on simple nutrition tips to strengthen your brain. 6- Protein, Good Fat, and Carbohydrates Nutrition Tips For Boosting Your Brain Eating only protein and fat while avoiding grains, fruits, and vegetables may be a...

brain meal 0

Ten Simple Nutrition Tips For Boosting Your Brain-1

For boosting your brain, paying attention to what you eat is enough. Maybe you’ve heard this before. You become what you eat! Yes, what you eat is you. It exactly is. All the cells in your body and your brain renew themselves every five months. Some, like your skin cells, renew themselves every month. So a proper diet is the most important thing for a healthy brain and body. Food is as powerful as any drug science can create. We intuitively know that food has a powerful effect on how we feel. Eat right and feel better. Eat wrong, eat...