Category: Physically

awareness 0

A Fast and Aware Mind for a Productive and Enjoyable Life

Is it possible to act both quickly and with deep awareness? Can awareness be increased with techniques such as meditation? We cannot activate our brain’s Diffuse thinking mode because we live in Focus thinking mode. Diffuse thinking can give such a great gift that you can’t imagine. Solving problems at the speed of light, generating extraordinary thoughts in seconds, reading dozens of books in a month… These are all great skills, aren’t they? The enormous abilities of a fast-working mind… But does being fast always mean that it is wise and productive? Our education system rewards the minds that solve...

backache 0

Can Emotions We Ignore Make Us Sick?

Sometimes you get sick even though you haven’t done anything wrong apparently. These are psychosomatic diseases. There is a phrase we hear frequently from those who have gone to the doctor, especially in recent years, “You have nothing,” he said, “it’s psychological.” All this negative charge, which cannot go out unless we can express and solve the psychosocial or emotional problems in our lives, manifests itself with bodily symptoms. Negative emotions that cannot be expressed, and uncompensated intense stress can change places and present themselves as pains, nausea, and tension. What Are The Types of Psychosomatic Diseases? Migraine, fibromyalgia, and...

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Breathing Techniques for Physical and Mental Peace

Thanks to the breathing technique, you will do your body and brain the most excellent favor in the easiest way. Regarding breathing, please don’t say what an extra contribution could be to something we do 7/24, consciously or unconsciously. A breath you take intentionally using your inner forces can change your hormone levels, the pH balance of your blood, and, therefore, your life. Breathing Is Done By Our Autonomic Nervous System 24/7 To live is the most basic instinct of man. We all breathe to live; we do it involuntarily. Yes, there are different ways of breathing. Have you ever...

stress 0

The Positive Effect of Stress Can Make Your Life Easier

A positive Effect of Stress is possible with a perspective you can bring into your life if you want. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal thought that stress was at risk of causing various ailments in people and warned her patients about this. But new research has caused him to change his mind. Stress can also have positive effects. Well, can stress positively affect your life? We, as the Brainusermanual team, have compiled 7 different studies that reveal this and the results of these studies for you. Of course, the dose of stress is very, very important here. High levels of stress that...

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Humans Are Made To Move 13 Scientific Facts That Will Keep You Move

Move and be healthy! We are the descendants of a two million-year-old human being; there is no significant difference between the genes they carry and ours. Humanity has come to this day by moving, walking and running. And when he wanted to rest, he squatted, cross-legged, or lay down. The body and genes have also evolved according to this movement. But especially after the industrial revolution, with the introduction of vehicles and workplaces into our lives, we started to sit and sit more. We always sit while having breakfast, on the road (in the car, on public transport), at work,...

good bacteria 0

The Path to a Healthy Brain Is Through the Intestines and Gut Bacteria

Intestine and Gut Bacteria are your second brain. As the Brain User Manual team, we attach great importance to Intestine and Gut Bacteria. We now know that our Intestine and Gut Bacteria, which we thought for years to be no use other than digestion and excretion, and which were slightly despised, are the touchstone or touch pipe of our health. In the last 10-20 years, many publications and books have been published on this subject. But what we still know is much less than what we do not know. However, we now know that the deterioration of the balance of...

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Cats are good for Brain and Body Health

Did you know you can get rid of your diseases with cat therapy? Brainusermanual users know that cats are extraordinary creatures. Using their minds, they take precautions with cat therapy before many problems occur. With cat therapy, your life can change completely. You can eliminate many situations that make you suffocate and upset with cat therapy and be like the happy people you envy. Investigating the bond between humans and animals has discovered that owning a cat has some health benefits. Here are 12 benefits of owning a cat: According to studies, feeding cats has various benefits for human health....

tired bugs dopamine 0

21 Ways to Get Rid of Fatigue and Reluctance by Raising Your Dopamine Levels

Dopamine Levels change based on what you do. You will take the right steps by using only your mind. Brainusermanual owners use their minds and get the most out of their dopamine levels, thus making the most of the future. Everyone is tired, everyone is reluctant, and everyone is without energy. Could we be without dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a tiny chemical molecule that allows communication between brain cells. Like all neurotransmitters, it’s small, but its work is extensive. Dopamine; takes part in many bodily functions, from our physical performance to our mental health, from feeling good to the...

brain harmful 0

7 Daily Habits That Affect Your Brain Health Negatively

We have daily behaviors that affect our brain health negatively, and we are not even aware of them. We know more or less what we need to do to improve our cognitive skills, increase our intelligence level, and take care of our brain health. By exercising and eating healthy, including brain exercises such as solving puzzles in our routines, we can try to do something good for our brain with good living habits and strategic games that support cognitive skills. But do we know the patterns that harm our brain, the body’s most important organ? The brain is a susceptible...

peaceful happy 0

10 Tips for a Peaceful and Happy Life

Do You Want A Peaceful and Happy Life? In fact, you can achieve this by drinking a few simple herbal teas and doing sports. Making ourselves and our loved ones happy in the daily hustle and bustle is one of the golden keys to a peaceful life. However, it is almost impossible to find extra time for little happiness in our lives, where, unfortunately, we hardly spend time even on our personal needs. So, what can we do to live a more peaceful life? Here are ten simple ways to live a more peaceful life. Have a Regular and Balanced...