Category: Creatively

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Time Management Prioritization Tips to Help You Plan Your Days

Prioritization is the most necessary and important element to Manage Your Time. As time passes like this, one of the issues we suffer from is unfinished plans, unachievable goals, or unprioritized tasks. Brainusermanual owners know that once you get the prioritization done, managing your time is a simple thing. We all make promises to ourselves to do something. There may be different periods in which we find the desire to do this planning. New Year’s Eve, before summer, when summer ends, every Monday, when the holiday comes, when we deliver the project, when things get lighter, when the children get...

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The Zeigarnik Effect: Turns the Stress of Unfinished into Efficiency

The Zeigarnik Effect exists in all of our lives. In essence, completing a job depends on the limit you set in your brain. We all have a love we can’t forget, right? Or the phrase “I wish I had said this” after an unsuccessful job interview… What about eagerly awaiting the new episode of the series we watch with pleasure? Of course, we can diversify the examples more, but the subject I want to mention is what lies at the center of all this. In other words, the common point of all of them is that they are incomplete or...

decision 0

5 Tips to Facilitate Decision-Making Processes for Those With Indecision

Decision-making is a need in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we have to make big decisions about our family, work, and lifestyle, which is important to us, but we make countless decisions daily, from which brand of spice to buy in the market to which stall to shop in. It is normal to set aside a certain amount of time and have difficulty making big decisions that will affect our lives deeply. Sometimes, even in daily decisions, there may be minor difficulties. But when the inability to make a decision becomes chronic, it affects life negatively. The most common...

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Take Control of Your Time with 7 Simple Ways

Take Control of Your Time is actually not difficult at all. When we look at successful people in their jobs, we can see that they all have a common feature good time management. Even though these people have a heavy workload and go to meetings at different places at every hour of the day, they can do all their work during the day and come to their homes at the end of the evening and find time for themselves. Even with effective control of your time, this is possible. Although successful people in their work and time management are regarded...

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Brainusermanual Tips for Self Improvement

“How can I improve myself” “How can I invest in my self improvement in the best way” “How can I turn into a better self” If you are looking for answers to these questions, the first condition for development is learning how to use your brain. Just as no one can take forward someone who does not want to progress, no one can keep someone who wants to move in their place. The main thing is to see that it is possible to get better and find the courage to set out. We’ll do the rest together. The Brainusermanual team...

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Get Rid of Decision Fatigue in 8 Steps

Decision fatigue, the inability to make a choice that narrows you, is a situation many people are in. Is it blue or yellow? Should I wear navy blue? Should I wear stripes? Heels? Undercooked or overcooked? Should I take a taxi or walk? However, people who read and apply the Brain User Manual do not suffer from decision fatigue. Did you know that an adult person makes an average of 40,000 decisions every day? If seeing one more question mark makes your heart beat faster, you are not alone. Decision fatigue is one of the mental health problems that is...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Memory to Stay with a Young Brain

The capacity of your brain is unlimited. You can remember anything you want. It just takes a little practice to improve memory. By changing a few habits, you can benefit from the superior potential of your memory. As the authors of the Brainusermanual, we always say, if you use your brain in the way it was created, you will discover the amazing potential of your brain. There are endless opportunities offered by developing technology to make life easier. First, most of the applications we frequently use in our daily life; applications that we use, such as calendars, note programs, and...

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Get Rid of Causes That Make Perception Difficult and Remove Barriers to Your Brain in 5 Steps

The development of a person, that is, the story of his brain, his ability to use his intelligence, imagination, and creative power depends entirely on his perception because the brain does not know what to do about what it does not perceive. The brain cannot decide and skips the subject. In the face of some reasons such as overconfidence, prejudice, obsession, and defeatism syndrome that make perception difficult, the brain experiences dilemmas and cannot produce creative projects. Perception is vital for the subconscious because perception forms the infrastructure of subconscious decisions. Therefore, the knowledge of the subconscious mind, which has...

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Quadruple Your Learning Power in 4 Steps Using the Brain’s Working Dynamics

Without running your washing machine, you can’t expect your clothes to be cleaned. Just running your washing machine is not enough by itself. It would be best if you chose the proper washing mode suitable for the laundry you want to wash. Your Brain is just like your washing machine. The difference is that your washing machine comes with a manual, while your Brain does not have one. But don’t worry; we will most understandably tell you how to use your Brain. We offer you a “brain user guide.” With each of our articles, you read this guide and get...

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Start Everything You Want In Life By Talking To Your Brain

Talking to your brain?? How so?? It sounds a little crazy, yes. So how could this be? Well, am I not already the “me” I call the brain? Yes, Brain is just “you.” Talking to your brain is similar to talking to yourself, with the only difference being that it is purposeful and with reasoned questions as opposed to mundane conversations. When done, it is a proven and highly effective method. Brain User Manual is in front of you and tells you to talk to your brain. If you try to follow this fantastic Manual, you will begin to use...