Category: Creatively

Small Changes 0

10 Small Changes That Will Make A Big Difference In Your Life

You may find it overwhelming when you want to make some changes in your life. Whether it’s losing weight, starting a new career journey, or cleaning a house, it doesn’t matter. But some minimal changes can lead to considerable improvements in your life. It is not always easy to make the start that will take the first step toward change. But you don’t need to take significant and radical measures in the beginning. You can start with small and simple changes because they are easier to adapt. Here are ten small changes that will make a big difference in your...

Power in Your Brain 0

12 Perspectives That Help Unleash the Absolute Power in Your Brain

Our lives are indeed susceptible to loss of control, but not for those who have discovered the absolute power within. Of course, it is impossible to control every moment of your life and live every second as you want. Those who can unleash and live the powers of their brain in a way that comes from their Nature are the people closest to real happiness and satisfaction. When you can realize and use these powers in yourself, nothing can upset you or wear you down because now you have learned what you are and what you are not. It is...

hobby 0

Intelligence Developing Hobbies-Improve Your Intelligence with Fun

There is a belief in society that intelligence hobbies are innate and nothing can be done to change it. However, this is not true. We can improve our intelligence hobbies. Moreover, having fun. When you learn memory techniques, you can take your life much higher. These are just simple memory games. For example, if you can only make Mind maps and memory approaches as your hobby, you will become a much more awesome person than you used to be. Acquiring intelligence-enhancing hobbies allows you to have a fun time and much sharper intelligence. Here are the pursuits that develop intelligence...

habit 0

7 Tips for Acquiring New Habits

Developing New Habits is not that difficult. You need to know how to do it. The Brainusermanual team offers you tips in the form of a guide. What behaviors do you have that you can describe as healthy? For example, you may be doing sports, paying attention to what you eat, reading books regularly, or trying to acquire new hobbies. So, are you doing these because you feel obligated to do them, or have they become a part of you over time? Although this is the first for many people, turning these behaviors into new habits is essential to get...

get in touch 0

Get in Touch with Yourself Through the Mind Map Diary

Keeping a Mind Map Diary Is More Useful Than You Think You can contact yourself by Mind Map Diary. All types of diaries are significant in your life. Because it can help you establish a mind-body balance, when you achieve this, the doors of a long and, more importantly, healthy life will open for you. Scientific research shows that the effects of writing are much more significant than we expected. There are thousands of books on the secret of long life. As the Brainusermanual team, when we look at the people around us who live longer, they cannot explain their...

change 0

Steps You Should Take to Create Permanent Changes in Your Life

If Changes in Your Life aren’t at the level you want, there are some ways to handle them. Change is always tricky. Of course, life would be easier if you had a magic wand for perfect posture, a balanced diet, peace of mind, or whatever else you wanted to have. But unfortunately, creating change is a process that takes time and dedication. There is no specific start or end point. For the change you want to create to be successful, you must take slow and realistic steps until what you want becomes a part of your life. Everything may take...

dopamine 0

Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button” Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Be Happy

Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button”. In case you were wondering, learning is now very close. And when learning begins to happen, that wonderful chemical that is your brain’s save button is released. “Curiosity is the most important thing we have.” James Cameron, director of Oscar-winning films like The Terminator and Titanic, gave a TED talk in 2010. Contrary to his expectations, he talked about creativity, discovery, innovation and leadership rather than how to make a movie. In fact, like Cameron, most of us have an insatiable desire to seek, learn, to explore. As humans, we are natural explorers and...

Productive Day 0

The Formula for a Productive Day

We all are intrinsically motivated to make the most effective use of our limited time on earth. Doing more in less time, not letting time pass without doing anything, and being busy with activities that can improve ourselves is among our most important issues. Studies on time management in work environments where productivity and efficiency are most important show that 40% spend all day doing non-productive work. So what makes the remaining 60% more productive? Based on the daily plans and research of the most productive people in the world, this daily program flow and recommendations will help you use...


Why Keeping a Journal Is Useful Open the Retrospective Window

Keeping a journal, which is associated with childhood or adolescence, is a habit that benefits every stage of a person’s life. You can express your thoughts and feelings with sentences or pictures by keeping a diary. Although we call it “keeping a journal”, the main focus is that the period is in a certain routine and includes expressive writing or drawing action rather than being every day. Journaling is also used in psychological therapies and helps bring deep thoughts and feelings to the surface. Some studies state that writing down a difficult situation or a trauma helps improve the person’s...

brain develop 0

7 Habits Scientifically Proven to Boost Brain Development

Brain Development happens automatically when you learn a few very simple habits.For many years, it was believed that people were born with a certain intelligence and would live within the limits of this intelligence level. But according to scientific research, people can increase their potency. We now know that by learning new skills, we can develop new neuronal pathways in the brain, thereby increasing our intelligence level. Here are seven habits that are scientifically proven to boost brain development. As Brainusermanual owners, we recommend you continue these habits throughout your life for a healthy and happy life. 1-Reading Something By...