Category: Creatively

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14 Tips to Help Your Transformation

What are you doing for your Transformation? How much time do you spend thinking about something other than what you’re doing? Or have you ever woken up with a dream of something different from your current life? Here are the photos with the theme of “dreams…, realities…”, which we see a lot as caps on social media because they show us a section of our lives we are interested in and like. Although we live in wonderful frames when viewed from the outside, we can create a world with entirely different dreams inside our heads. And even though we don’t...

Psychological Resilience 0

5 Tips to Increase Your Psychological Resilience

The Brainusermanual team shows you ways to increase your psychological resilience. In life, things don’t always go the way we want. A sudden change or uncertainty can upset all our plans. Before reading the article, it may be helpful to remember a situation that is more personal and difficult to overcome. While many people have a hard time dealing with these unexpected, uncertain, and stressful moments, some can manage such situations with surprisingly calm. So, what is the underlying skill of this calmness? What is Psychological Resilience? Psychological Resilience is the ability to perform consistently in changing environments, even under...

Choices 0

4 Reasons Why We Aren’t Happy With Our Choices

As a result of our choices, we may experience regrets and find ourselves constantly sad. However, even if you have chosen the best option for you, it is possible to experience this pain again. Because the solution to these pains is not about choosing the right option! We would like to conclude our post for today by summarizing the book of a nice person who is more deeply interested in this subject. In his book The Contradiction of Selection and his Ted Talks speech, Barry Schwartz explained the source of the confusion that everyone wants to find the answer to...

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7 Amazing Habits to Live Better

We all wish for a good life. To spend our time to the fullest, we want to build a healthier, happier, more vibrant life. So how do we do it? Let’s start today with seven suggestions for a good life that will be good for us! 1-Choose Foods That Are Good For Your Body Do we feed it with real foods, or do we constantly harm the perfect functioning of our body with refined sugar, processed products, and packaged foods? Let’s reduce the foods that will cause inflammation, that is, fire in the body. Let’s replace it with plenty of...

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What is Complex Thinking Capacity and How Can It Be Developed?

Complex thinking is not as complex as you might think. We have made incredible discoveries to make visible the universe that we see with the naked eye but cannot understand or witness from the very beginning. Our naked eyes are unfortunately not the most reliable guides for this world. If we just believed our eyes, we might conclude that a louse is the smallest thing in the world. Still, at least we became aware of these sensory limitations and found microscopes that can even document the presence of microbes such as bacteria. Our view of the universe with telescopes has...

Motivation ant 0

Motivation is a Real Miracle: Discover the Energy That Makes Everything Possible

You don’t have to watch the person’s work to see if it suits his talent. It’s enough if you look into their eyes. A cook is making gravy; a surgeon is making the incision and a clerk is filling a bill of lading. The same ecstasy on their faces… They forget themselves while working. How beautiful is that look that ignores itself and dives into the object!” W.H. Auden Let’s say we’re starting a business. Our first step is the hardest. Sometimes the things we do seem big to us. We delay. We delay again. We say, “I’ll do it...

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Find Your Hidden Talent in 7 Simple Steps

Everyone has a hidden talent. It can be not just one, but more than one. For this, you have to discover yourself. Almost all of the resources we found at Brainusermanual to study human power and happiness said the same thing. This happiness and power are hidden inside you, it is not something you can find outside! One of them was our natural abilities. Even the one who says, “I have no talent for anything,” has a talent that he has not yet realized. You may not have the best voice or be the fastest runner, but it is possible...

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Recognize 5 Thinking Traps

To be successful, and truly happy, you must not fall into the thinking trap. As long as you are reasonable and prudent, you will be protected. There is a fundamental rule to remember when trying to regulate our happiness or well-being: “Our thoughts or how we think affects our emotions, behavior, and physiology.” Our thinking habits guide the way we interpret current situations. If we have highly rigid thinking patterns that I will talk about in this article, our effectiveness in daily life may decrease, and we may misinterpret the situations that happen to us because we see problems not...

Iq tests 0

What the IQ Test Doesn’t Tell About Your Child?

We do not encounter sentences such as “My child is gifted”. He got a high score on the IQ test “My child has hyperactivity, and this happens because he is brilliant,” or “The doctor said, ‘Your child has a high IQ’, my child will be a genius.” Especially the millennium age, it has increased tremendously that parents compare their children with intelligence scores or distinguish them from their peers. Although the concept of intelligence has been researched from the past to the present, there is no clear definition. In psychology, subjects such as intelligence, mind, and brain are great for...

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3 Steps to Create Positive Changes in Your Life

For Positive Changes, you need to make some decisions and implement them. We make decisions at every moment of our lives. While these decisions are sometimes as simple as what to eat, as moving to another country can be big enough to positive changes our lives. So it would not be wrong to say that making the right decision is essential in our lives. According to life coach Tony Robbins, if you make these decisions unconsciously, you will become physically out of shape, emotionally exhausted, and constantly stressed about finances, as most people do. But if you make these decisions...